Andromeda Lovell

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October 15, 2004

Earth Defense Command Headquarters, Earth

Marissa Faireborn didn't find enjoyment in the Defense Command like she use to. Young, wild, and full of excitement to fight for a cause, similar to her parents, was now dimmed down to a more middle-aged level. It sparked the mindset and goals that led her to where she was today--But, Fairborn's age had nothing to do with her early grey hairs, but rather from the result of one particular member of the Earth Defense Command. A brash, young pilot, Cassandra Paxton could be described as many things among her peers. She was a new face to the table, with long hazel brown hair and eyes, which in contrast with her mocha tanned skin, framed herself beautifully. To Marissa, she was a student--a very young student--to put it simply. The youngest recruit in the E.D.C, Paxton's seventeenth birthday only passed last Spring, and to this day no one is really sure why she was even here. Many speculate she was only recruited so young because she was off-world, where rules and regulations don't necessarily apply. However, Marissa knew better, because she was the one who allowed the teen to join. And, exactly like Marissa had tried to avoid, Cassandra just became more unpredictable than she had expected. She thought that maybe the Command would help her mature, but instead it gave her the advantage of being reckless knowing no matter what she did, the Autobots would take her side--and by Autobots, it is heavily meant as being directed towards the Aerialbots--whom of which are the only Autobots Cassandra affiliates herself with. Marissa really never understood why, but the gestalt team quickly took a liking to her, so she kind of stuck with them. The relationship dynamic between her and them would confuse many, as it has very well confused Cassandra's commanding officer equally.

"Captain Faireborn, one of our prison ships has entered our airspace, should we allow them clearance?" The baritone voice of one of Marissa's twin officers startled the woman from her seat, her knee hitting the bottom of her desk in a rather loud ruckus that left the other end rather quiet in confusion to such a foreign act from the normally professional Fairborn. She reached for her telecomm, and gave an all clear only so she could alleviate the awkwardness that would sure linger later on in her rather pretentious

evening. When she heard the click of the comm turning off, the brunette-haired woman sighed deeply and heavily, before leaning on her desk, elbows supporting her as she massaged her temples with shaky fingers. It had been weeks--,months even, since she had last seen Paxton, and she began to wonder if she would ever come back. For several years, she replaced the orphaned Cassandra's parents as a surrogate-- and would even go as far as to consider the young woman as her own daughter. Marissa is highly respected and regarded by anyone who knows her name, so she reminds herself to always appear professional towards Cassandra as to not disperse the image she has set for her as well as her minor student. She wouldn't want people to accuse her of bias favoritism when it came down to making tough decisions. If anything, a lot of people speculate that Marissa actually despises Cassandra, and is currently overjoyed that the pilot hasn't been seen in over 6 months. Always making things difficult for Paxton, it is all purely elected from the mindset of improving her behavior and developing more respect towards her lieutenants--namely one Autobot in particular: Ultra Magnus.

Currently swiveling around in her chair, Marissa pondered in deep thought, a very unusual behavior for a headstrong woman such as herself. But, that was quickly forgotten, as she was now in the presence of a sandy-haired MIT graduate. Carly Witwicky was not one to bear bad news, and by the way her lips curved into a frown and her gaze stayed low, that was the assumption Marissa had concluded upon seeing her old friend. Carly had been visiting often when their schedules allowed so--she discussed plans to possibly temporarily leave until the evacuations from Cybertron were complete, as well as when the Autobot's new Earth Fortress--Autobot City--finally met its completion deadline. With the Decepticons rising in power, territories were becoming scarce, and the risk of the Autobot City plans falling into their hands was too high. The city is the last place for the Autobots to reside until Moonbase One and Two began industrializing weapons to fight back. Carly took the burden of concealing the blueprints until after the worst has past--their darkest hour, some might call it.

"I've already spoken to Daniel," Carly took a seat across from Marissa, placing an oddly-shaped metallic ball in front of her. It was spotted with blue lights, and marked itself with the Autobot insignia. The brunette raised an eyebrow at it, suspecting she knew what the object was but wasn't about to jump to assumptions too quick. "Are these the plans?" Her voice rose in question, watching Carly's facial expression as she spoke.

"Yes," Her voice was soft, tired, and Marissa knew Carly was inevitably depressed from saying goodbye to her son. Daniel was only twelve, and with his father being stationed on Moonbase Two, he now had to watch his mother leave as well for who knows how long. She took Carly's hand in her own, and gave it a squeeze, at a loss for words as to what the mother must be feeling. In her hand though, she felt the blonde pass her something small, yet rectangular in shape. Marissa allowed her expressions to speak for her, and Carly exhaled a breath she didn't even know she was holding.

"Give this to Cassandra," Carly must have been greatly mistaken, because--"She will return very soon, I have a feeling." Marissa wasn't sure how to describe the look on her face, but Carly chuckled slightly at the baffled expression, so it must have been a mix between shock and relief.

After an exchange of farewells, the two parted ways, but Marissa couldn't shake something Carly had said to her before departing.

"Look for Andromeda Lovell."

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