Yui's Resurrection...

Start from the beginning

She explained, but I need more facts about her though, so I start to ask her more.

"So is that the reason why Cordelia killed your parents?"

I asked her where I noticed Ren tightening her legs with her hands feeling uncomfortable.

"...Well there's then just her, my father and Cordelia's father Burai have been rivals for many years and...he did something that angers him and his wife...."

She replied nervously.

"What did he do?"

I asked her curiously wanting her to come out of her shell with her blue eyes glistens in pain.

"He...attacked Cordelia when he saw my mother getting harassed by her, so he beats her up and that causes her dad to get angry with him and decides to kill him, but we escaped. However, that made it worst when Cordelia and his lover Richter found our hiding spot and killed my parents for their sadistic amusement as I witnessed their deaths right in front of me...."

She explained sadly as she grips her sleeves and furrowed her brows in disgust and pain that she went through as a kid.


I then reached her shoulders and grabbed it with both of my hands where I turned her around but turns her gaze away from me, but I am desperate for her gaze.

"Hey Ren, look at me."

I demanded, but she didn't respond and still refuses to look at me.

"Ren, look at me...."

I said it again when she eventually turns to me with those sad blue eyes.

"No matter what happens to you, I will always be here to protect you."

I said those kinds words where she widen her blue eyes.


I then pat her on the head with a warm smile.

"You made me feel like I'm not worthless when I'm with you. After all these years of isolation, I finally found my missing piece....Ren I-"

Suddenly grabbed my shoulders and embraced me wholeheartedly.

"You don't have to say that Shu, cause you're not alone anymore....."

She grinned sweetly while caressing my cheek as I smiled warmly at how sweet and kind she is. We then embrace each other showing that we're not alone no more.

Ren's POV:
While we embraced each other with so much love, my worries and sadness has vanished from my own mind. Then we both break the embrace and I can read what exactly Shu's thinking.



"Do you want me to sing a song for you?"

I asked him politely where I knew what he is going to asked with Shu chuckling and smirked slightly.

"You read my mind Ren."

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