Reiji replied strictly.

"Do you believe that?"

I asked him skeptically assuring him that I'm more than just a mortal.

"Not wholeheartedly, I'm quite aware of what your capable of, but the question is what are you?"

He asked me strictly fully aware of the secret that I'm hiding from years.

"I'm Ren Hattori, that is all."

I replied stoically as I got from my seat, I walked towards the door before Reiji called me.



I stopped when Reiji called me out, he looks at me with serious and suspicious red eyes.

"Tell me Miss Hattori, who exactly are you? Why did you came to this mansion for?"

He asked me strictly with a suspicious look, but kept my stoic expression to him.

"My personal life has nothing to do with you, so I suggest you to keep your nose out of this or else you're going to regret what you did."

I replied sternly but sounding like a threat to him. Reiji then pushed his glasses up while sitting on the chair and respond.

"I have no intention of doing so, now take your leave."

He demanded as I opened the door and left the room leaving Reiji with unanswered questions.

Reiji's POV:
After Ren left my room, I got and pick up the cups and teapot as I put it back to the tray and took it to the desk. I then put the tray down and go to my lab station as I pick up one of my potions where I look at the potion strictly while thinking about Ren.

That woman....just who is she?.....

I thought while staring at the potion before I look at the window sensing that someone is out there.

"Hmph how deplorable, does that man know how to enter the house?"

I strictly remarked aware of who's outside from the mansion.....

Ren's POV:
After I left Reiji's room, I couldn't get the thought of Reiji out of my mind.

Tell me Miss Hattori, who exactly are you? Why did you came to this mansion for?

Then I look back at Kou's question during theater class.

Oh you know what I'm going to ask Ren mneko chan. Just who are you?

Then I have another memory of Shu back in the bathroom.

Just what are you Ren? What kind of girl are you?

Look at that, yes I know you're hiding something...

You're so cute, but you're different from other girls.

Then another memory came to me when I met Kou again but this time I met his brothers.

Told ya she's different.

Kou remarked slyly.

A different mortal if you ask me.

Yuma stated while looking at me sternly.

Mhm she's definitely less human.

Ruki agreed with his brothers.


Azusa said sensing my blood.

I then I look back at the school rooftop where Laito and Kanato confronted me.

Oh no, it's more than just your blood Sexy chan. I just wanna know....what are you exactly?

Laito asked me slyly.

Awwww but teddy and I want to know!

Kanato pouted childishly while holding his teddy tight.

While walking in the hallway, I shook the thought of those men asking me the same question.

"No I can't, I can't let my emotions get the best of me."

They can't, they can't know my past. I must kept this a secret from them especially Yui. If I exposed my darkest secret in front of my sister, who knows what bad things might happened to her.....

I thought while holding my fear of the Sakamakis, Mukamis, and the sister that I cared deeply finding out about my secret. Suddenly I sense something strange yet unpleasant.

"That scent....."

I look outside feeing something abnormal is going on outside when I recognized that unpleasant scent from anywhere.

I know that scent from anywhere.....

Then something hit me as my eyes widen when I realized that Yui's out in the graveyard with Kanato.

"Oh no....."

I then ran through the hallway worried about Yui's well being.

"Yui...I'm coming...."

As I ran out of the mansion, the mysterious dark night begins......

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