Get To Know You....

Start from the beginning

While I was on my way back to my room wearing my BTS pjs, I heard a perverted chuckle that I recognized.

While I was on my way back to my room wearing my BTS pjs, I heard a perverted chuckle that I recognized

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***Ren's pj outfit^***

"Ugh Laito I can sense you, what do you want?"

"Oh you know what I want from you Sexy chan.~"

I then sigh as I turn to see Laito smirking pervertedly.

"If you want to suck my blood, then the obvious answer is NO."

I flat out rejected him already aware that he wants me for my blood.

"~fufu~ That's not fair Sexy chan, you gave Shu you're blood, why not me?"

"Cuz you're a pervert."

I coldly replied with a deadpan look.

"Heh guess you're not as dumb as bitch chan."

He smirked.

"Whatever I'm going back to my room, so don't bother me."

"Oh no before you go, I just need to enjoy the view."

"Laito please do-"

Just before I reject him again, he lifts my shirt up exposing my blue bra and the bite mark that Shu gave me as I blushed when Laito did that.

Just before I reject him again, he lifts my shirt up exposing my blue bra and the bite mark that Shu gave me as I blushed when Laito did that

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***Ren's blue lacy bra^***

"~fufu~ Nice bra you got there Sexy ch-"


I immediately threw Laito up to the ceiling with my telekinesis out of anger and embarrassment.

"You're an idiot!"

I huffed as I walked away from Laito out of embarrassment and irritation. The flashback ends with me getting flustered after what Laito did.

The Cool Sister(Diabolik Lovers Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now