I just nod in response.

"Where are they taking my family" I ask, worried.

"They're safe. They're coming home with us".

I accepted his answer and followed him as he started to head out. When we get outside I see around 8 large black cars, that I'm guessing are the asshole twins'. 

Masyn leads me to the third one in line and opens the back door for me. I look in and see Kaden on the other side.

I look at Masyn pleadingly but he just pushes my head down and forces me into the car. I thought you were the nice one.

I sit as far as I can from Kaden but Masyn, being the asshole he is, pushes me all the way against Kaden and slides in next to me. Now I'm squished between them and I barely have room to breathe because they're so big.

The car starts to move and we're off to wherever we're going. I don't ask where we're going because I don't want to speak.

I can feel both of their eyes on me but I keep my head down, not wanting to get lost in their awfully handsome faces.

They may look like every girls' dreams but I don't know if I can do it. Masyn seems nice but Kaden is an entirely different story. I know he's the God of evil and all but I didn't think he'd be so controlling. Like, when he told me he was going to punish me. I'm 18 years old and I don't need to be punished. I don't like to be told what to do and I have a feeling Kaden won't like that. If he thinks that I'm going to submit to him, he's wrong. I am a strong, independent woman and I don't have any boss but myself. 

I'm just really scared for my future with these two. I know that I already have feelings for them but can I love them? Masyn said Kaden loves me but is that true? How can you love someone you just met? It seems bizarre to me! Also, did Masyn just assume that because that's how he feels?

I'm just a big ball of confused right now.

"Amora" the sinister voice to my left pushes me off my cloud of thought. "I know you're not going to like it, but there are going to be some rules. These rules must be obeyed and if you break them, there will be punishment" Kaden explains, with a straight and kind of scary face. His face holds no emotion while Masyn's is full of excitement, even with what Kaden is saying.

"Huh? What do you mean rules? I'm an adult and I get to do whatever I want" I fight back.

"Che cosa farò con te, mio amore?" Kaden mutters. 

"I don't know what you mean! SPEAK ENGLISH PLEASE!" I yell in agitation.

Masyn chuckles at my frustration and gives me a toothy grin. I try to keep a straight face but I couldn't help it, a childish grin spread on my face. What is this boy doing to me?

"You're cute when you're mad, little one" Masyn laughs.

"Don't call me that!" I don't like being called little. I've always been really petite and It always made me feel weak. In school, I was made fun of for being so small.

"Mmmm, I like it" Masyn teases. 

"It fits" Kaden adds. 

"Why are you here?" I shot at Kaden. I know it was bitchy but he made me angry.

He laughs in amusement while I glare at him. He didn't answer my question.

After I lashed out, we sat in the car for what felt like hours. I kept my head down and avoided both of their gazes. I kind of feel bad for what I said to Kaden but I don't like being bossed around or not being taken seriously. Maybe the message was for someone else and I'm not their beloved. 

Orenda (Wattys 2017)Where stories live. Discover now