Author's Note

4.4K 126 28

Hello everyone,

It makes me ever so happy to say that Neighbour has surprisingly done so well! The highest rank for this book in mystery/thriller has been #12! It may not seem that great, but it is a lot to me. I never ever thought that my first shot at this genre would do so well. I don't know how to express how grateful I am to everyone who has read the book, voted and commented. It makes me extremely happy to see that other people enjoy reading my book <3

It started off as a small idea and soon I had written five chapters. But I planned on giving it up because I wanted to focus more on school. But one person encouraged me to continue the book and although it may not seem like he did a lot, It actually was a lot. I needed that little push and I'm really happy to have him as a friend.

So thank you, @LPSoldier21 for everything. This book wouldn't have existed without you <3

I do hope everyone likes the ending of the book. Like I said before, it was written in a rush, I didn't have time to plan it properly or think it through. But for a change, I like the ending. However, I am welcome to any feedback.

I will be taking a break from Wattpad for a while. I'm glad that I'm leaving with Neighbour as my last book. Maybe later I'll make a second part ;)

Goodbye for now,

Sanam Kumar

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