You curiously observed the busy Norwegian. He did seem a tad off, more tense than his usual, unperturbed self. Without warning, his eyes met with yours. Your eyes widened, and, as your smile vanished, you cast your sights elsewhere. 

"Why didn't you wake me up sooner? I would have helped you pack." 

"Because..." Mathias began excitedly. "Number one: you would have bitten my head off; number two: you snooze like a kitten. It's adorable." 

Your face flushed. Eager to change the subject, you asked when they were leaving. 

"Immediately." Lukas huffed and scooped up a satchel filled with spare clothes. He tossed the leather sack into your arms, doing his best to avoid meeting your eyes. With a startling slam, he rushed out of the cabin. 

"What's wrong with him?" You asked.

Berwald tossed you a quick glance. "...Now, you understand..."

You cradled your satchel to your chest and advanced towards the door. "Oh, I almost forgot!" You slung your pack over your shoulder, flew up the stairs, and retrieved your valuables. Battle ax in hand, you emerged from the house. The morning was crisp and the light fog gave the surrounding lake a watery sheen. 

A wide boat with a deep bottom was docked on the moist, black beach-stones. You leaned into the craft, nestling your things in a panel concealed along the bottom, where the other bags and parcels had been squeezed. 

Lukas was kneeled before the water's edge. He was peering at something on paper... You spotted your own face smiling back at you. Your heart sank as you remembered the painting. Guilt and and tiny bit of courage encouraged you to take a seat beside him. 

Lukas regarded you tepidly. "I am not in the mood to talk." 

You offered him an accepting nod. "We don't have to talk. I just like your company, silence or noise; I don't care." You paused and began again. "This reminds me of that day." 

He said nothing, but you could sense he was listening. He waited patiently, as if to say: "go on."

"We came out that lovely morning and just enjoyed painting, enjoyed being near to each other... I'm sorry if I offended you. This has been a rough period for me and I appreciate everything you and your brothers have done for me." 

You slowly stood and started towards the boat. You looked at Lukas over your shoulder. "You know, you're not as cold as everyone thinks you are."

Mathias busted from the cabin in an explosion of baggage and hair products. "Hey, bros! Ready to get a move on?!" He leaped into the boat, almost flipping it into the lake. 

Berwald marched after him with the remaining gear. You took a seat next to the stoic man and waited for Lukas to board. As soon as Lukas sat, Mathias dislodged the vessel from the beach with an oar. The lake hugged your boat with calm, crystalline waters as you drifted towards a thicket on the far end. 

As you reached the shrubbery, Mathias and Berwald held their weapons and swiped at the plants, clearing them away. What seemed to be shore, was actually a shallow strip of water. It was an inlet to a vast, icy fjord.   

The majestic landscape stole your breath away. Slopes of powdery white rolled down from the rocky cliffs, eventually melting into a sliver of green. Grass and flowers ringed the edges of the fjord, sometimes blending with jagged rock outcroppings. Mist hovered in the air, giving the area a mystical appearance.

"It's gorgeous here." You gasped. 

Lukas, still gazing into the sapphire depths, replied with a soft "thank you." 

"Heh, if you think this is great, you should see my home country!" Mathias declared proudly. 

Berwald stared at the gloating Dane, before he said. "...My country's beauty... has no rival."

And the arguing commenced. Your anger surged forth. 

Shooting up from your spot, you began to yell at them. "What is wrong with you people?! Why can't you just enjoy something for once!? Everything is a stupid contest and I'm tired of it!" You slammed your foot into the wood, causing the boat to jolt and rock wildly. 

The talking ceased immediately. All eyes landed upon you, even Lukas'. 

Mathias was brave enough to respond. In an unusually quiet tone for him, he whispered: "We're brothers. It's what we do."

The rage was replaced by confusion. It must has been obvious for Lukas asked a question that shook you. "Don't you have any siblings?"

 You inhaled a deep breath of morning air, allowing it to ease your nerves, and returned to your seat. You cradled your head in you hands. 

"I've never had any siblings. My mother died before I could have any. Father could have had children after he left, but they wouldn't care about me." You hushed for a moment before continuing. "I'm not sure if anyone cares about me anymore." 

Berwald wrapped his arm around your shoulders. "...We do..."

"That's right! Warriors have each other's backs!" Mathias announced, scooting over and joining the hug. 

You looked past the spiky, blonde hair in your face at Lukas. He smiled with his eyes. "Get off her, you two. You're going to sink the boat." 

Mathias and Berwald settled back into their places. Beaming brightly, you thanked them. 

To think that you were here, centuries before your own birth. You were transported in time, ripped from everything you have ever known and yet... It felt so much more natural, more welcoming. For once in a very long time, you belonged somewhere. You wanted to stay here forever with them, with your family. 

If only that were possible...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2017 ⏰

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