Lucky for those two, they didn't have classes until Monday. However, they did still have to eat three meals a day. The Marauders went up to their dorm, wishing the girls goodnight. Sirius jumped on to his bed and groaned. James and Peter brushed their teeth and sat on their beds, while Remus went and took a shower. Once he was sure Remus wouldn't be able to hear them, James spoke up "Padfoot, mate, good luck." That's it. That's all he said, but it hit Sirius like a bludger to the face. Truth was, Sirius had a crush on Remus. Like, he had it bad. Ever since third year. That was ridiculous though, Moony was his best friend, not to mention he was straight! He heard the shower stop. Some how, some way, James was already asleep. Peter was dozing off, so that left Sirius wide awake, and Remus walking out with just a towel around his waist with the cutest messy hair. "How?" He said, gesturing to the other two boys, now fully asleep. "I dunno, but I'm jealous." Remus started to get dressed and sat beside Sirius. He sat that, admiring the grey eyes on his best friend. That's platonic, right? Remus tells himself that. He also didn't have the biggest crush on the bloke beside him, nah. That's nonsense. Definitely not since third year. 

The two just sat there, quietly talking about whatever came to mind. After about an hour, seeing as Sirius was laying down across Remus' lap, they decided they should go to bed. It was more of Sirius' idea actually, because "The full moon is in a week, you should try to get some extra sleep, Moony." Remus got up and kissed the temple of Sirius before laying in his own bed. This was something he did every once in a while, so it's often looked over if anyone else sees it happen. But of course, it caused major butterflies in both boys. 

"Mooooony, wake up." Sirius called while getting dressed. James was already down at breakfast, but Peter was still showering. "Mooooooony! You gotta get up, Lily and Alice are in the common room and won't let me go down to breakfast without you. Please wake up already." After failing a second time he just threw a pillow at the sleeping boy. "Oi! I'm awake Pads! That pillow was so bloody unnecessary." Sirius couldn't help but laugh at the mumbled words. After getting ready, the three of them went out to the common room. "Ah, a dare's a dare. Go on," Lily said on the couch with some fourth year girls. Remus just looked at Sirius, not even knowing what to think. But it happened, the shorter boy went on his back. "Padfoot, you don't weigh that much at all, this shouldn't be that bad. But your er, hair. Kind of covering my eyes." Remus said as the girls just giggled. They made their way to breakfast, a few stares here are there, but nothing major. Until greasy haired Snape walked up to them. "Oi, quite the couple you two make. Is little Sirius going to kiss his Remmy's scars too?" He commented, walking away. "Sod off!" They said...together. Probably didn't help the situation much, did it? They approached James, who was being quite the jerk, and whistled at them. Sirius sat down on the bench normally now and grabbed some breakfast, still not even knowing how to feel. Peter excused himself to go talk to one of his Hufflepuff friends, which left the three of them to make conversation. James and Sirius were going out to the field for some quidditch practice soon. Usually Remus would watch, but he had plans to go to the library and talk to Lily Evans, who had some explaining to do. 

"What do you mean?" Remus asked, trying to hide his blush. "I mean exactly what I said. I see the way you look at him, don't even try lying to me. I mean I've known since half way through fourth year, but seriously- don't you dare make a pun- I want to know what's going on!" Lily whispered to him in the library. "Woah, fourth year? Well I don't know what you're talking about." He said, rather proud of himself. "Mhm, well have fun for the next week. Guaranteed you'll be even more inseparable than you already are by the end of the week." She said, and left, probably to go get lunch. Had they really been talking that long? Wow. 

The rest of the day was uneventful, except for a few minor comments mainly from the Slytherin table during dinner. The Marauders went up to their dorm room. After a few rounds of Exploding Snap, Peter, James, and Sirius went to go pull a prank on some seventh year Ravenclaws. Remus was going to go, but he decided against it at the last moment. He walked around for a bit before finding himself on the roof of the astronomy tower. It got a little colder out, but he didn't mind. Remus just sat up there until almost 10 PM, just enjoying the silence.

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