YouTube: 2

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Bella's POV

We arrive at the dam and jump the fence.

"So why did you move to LA?" Elton asks, "to be closer to Devyn, and I was given a modeling gig that pays pretty well so.." I say, "Wow, what type of modeling will you do?" Sam asks, pretending like he wasn't eaves dropping, "I'm a gymnast model" I reply.

"Can you do cool tricks, like backtucks?" Elton asks, "Yeah" I reply, "Can you show us?" He asks, "Sure, I guess."

I'm honestly a little scared, we are on concrete and I'm going to do a standing backtuck. I stop in my tracks, I put my arms at my side and adjust my feet. I swing my hands back and jump pulling my arms up to my knees which are tucked into my chest. I land on my feet, looking up to see everyone staring at me with awe, I smile and keep walking besides Elton.

"Dam, you got skill" He says, making me giggle. I feel a pair of eyes staring me down, I look to my left and see Colby, he looks away blushing slightly, he then keeps talking with Corey and Devyn as I, with Sam and Elton.


"So why don't you start your own YouTube channel?" Colby asks me, "Yeah why don't you!" Corey says from behind us yelling. "No one would sub me, I guess" I say shyly, "What are you talking about?" He says, "Fancy a wayger?" I say, "Sure" He says, I turn around so I can talk to everyone, "If I get 5,000 new followers but tomorrow, I will start a YouTube channel." And just like that, Corey, Colby, Sam and Elton all tweet, snapchat and instagram my link.







I Look down at my phone and I already have 5,000 new followers, "Well, I guess I'm starting a YouTube channel." Everyone claps and cheers.


"Whatcha doing?" Devyn says as she walks into the lounge room, "Creating my YouTube channel" I say, "Okay, I'll leave you be." She says walking off.

"Hey Bella," Sams says walking in, "yeah?" I reply, "Wanna play the midnight game with Jake, Kat, Corey and I tonight?" "Sure" I reply, "cool meet me in the kitchen at 11PM" He says walking off.


"What's up guys today we are playing the midnight game, I'm here with Bella, Kat, Corey and Jake" Sam says.

As Sam is explaining the rules, we all freak out when he says we have to make a blood binding.

"No, I'm not doing that" I say, "neither am I" Kat says, "Okay you 2 don't have to do it but you have to stay with us the entire time" Sam says, and we both agree.

They write their names and prick their fingers, "Okay, lets knock, 1.. 2.. 3.. 4...." Up to 22, "Okay lets blow out the candles, now re-light them." We all grab out own candles. we walk out of Sams room.

"Wow, what was that" Kat says, "What was what, can you explain?" I ask, "I, I, in my eyes, I really can't explain it guys" "okay lets keep moving" Sam says, "Guys, I'm freaki-" "Do,do,do, cha, cha" "what the fuck is that" Corey and Jake say ...


Sam, Corey and I go into the game room once Kat and Jake left. We are playing Rocket League when the lights turn completely off.

"What the fuck was that" Corey says standing up, "Guys, guys, guys!" I yell as I start to cry, Sam comes up, "Hey, it's okay" "I'm going to get my flash light" "Yeah me too" Corey and Sam say leaving me downstairs. 

"You are not leaving me he-" As I'm walking up the stairs something grabs me from behind and throws me down. I scream for help and Corey comes running down as well as Sam. 

"Oh my god Bella!" Corey screams, "I'm calling the ambulance" Sam says.


"Well that was an interesting night" Sam says while unlocking the door, I walk in closely followed my Corey. "So how's the stitches?" He asks, I look down at my arm and clench in pain. "Not the best" I reply.

I walk upstairs and crash on the bed and instantly fall asleep ...

To Be Continued ...

Sorry for the short chapter, was in a rush


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