true love

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what is true love?

that feeling between being tired and falling asleep and you wake up and you can't remember falling asleep, and all the dreams you had come back to you and you realize that that moment was actually just a dream not remembered and that's all life really is anymore.

its the opposite of that because you know that another person is feeling that same feeling and falling asleep at the same time as you and thinking about the same thoughts that everyone thinks about before they fall asleep and you know that the dreams the other person doesn't remember could be your dreams too

or when you get so drunk you accidentally crash a car and wake up in the hospital alone and all you can remember is walking into a house that smells like people who have been smoking weed for so long they are mere skeletons with their souls pouring out of their rib bones because they've been burned to nothing

its the opposite of that because you won't wake up in a hospital or ever have to see a soul being burned to shreds or ever be so drunk that you can't remember because you will have something to save you from destroying yourself.

true love isn't marriage and it isn't having children its having someone who will fall asleep with you but in a different house and still feel the same feelings and even if they aren't with you they save you from potential destruction of yourself.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2014 ⏰

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