Things are changing..

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"Hey Tom!" Mark scream at me through dazed state of mind.
"Hey Buddy!" I yelled back running over to the bus stop to catch up with him. Me and mark have been best friends since diapers! Our moms we're close childhood friends to, and so we're there moms after that, and so on. I guess it's in the tradition.
"Last month of school you ready tom!" He punched my arm playfully.
"Hell yeah!" I said excitedly.
I was always more enthusiastic around him. I guess because I felt more comfortable. Don't get me wrong Alex and Jess are my best friends to. I just known mark longer, and he was he first one I told I was gay. I was Surprised when he told me that he was to, and even more when Alex and him we're secretly dating. Also, that Jess was lesbian.
"So, have you told your mom and dad yet?" He said looking at me seriously. We have gotten on the bus, and sat down at the back of the bus at this point.
"No, I've told you that I'll tell them when I'm ready!" I yelled in a whisper. He laugh under his breath.
"Yeah. Yeah. I know, but better be soon" He ruffled my brown hair. I was ware some old glasses from Walmart, and a old blue jacket . I never really put too much thought and what I wear. I always think it's too time-consuming. I always hated my eyes though I have one blue and one brown.

We get to school finally. Then we see Alex and Jess there. Alex has Beautiful bright blue eyes, and dark purple hair. He's always wearing some flannel around his waist. We say some flannels defined as mood for the day. For example, Red means leave me alone, Blue means I'm tired, and hungry. Pink means I'm feeling sassy, and green means I want to be sociable. He usually wears green. Jess has long blonde hair with a pink streak, and shaved on the right side. It's usually in a braid. She also has lovely striking green eyes. Also, She rocks some cute beanies. Her favorite one is a knitted gray beanie with cat ears on it. Her mom made it before she passed away. She wears it every day to keep apart of her mom with her. She wears large black glasses and has freckles on her cheeks. Mark has short black hair, and dyed red hair. He has a cross perching on left ear. He's got dark brown eyes.

" Tom you coming! Or you just going to stand there like statue" Alex said cupping one hand over his mouth, and one on his hip tapping his foot. Everyone was looking at me. I was always zoning out another thing I hate about myself. Yet I know it can't be helped.
"Oh! Yeah coming sorry" I blush in
embarrassment, and run to them as we get into the building. I walk to class with Jess letting her ramble on about anime as we sit down this was my favorite class E.L.A. . Also, its were i see him everyday.  I see Damien walk in. My heart beat so fast when he walks by me to go sit down. Jess looks at me, and giggles. Yeah. She knows I like him I mean it's pretty dam obviously that I do. It's just some silly high school crush I tell her, but I've crushed on him for so long that even if he walks by my heart goes fast it's like he kissed me. I mean I haven't even spoken to this guy not as much as a "hello" or "can I borrow a pencil?", but I kind a cherish those moments that's all the courage I have talk to him. I'm fine with that though I can't handle relationship..I mane he probably would know I would have a crush on him if I even strike up a conversation.

Then i hear this.. "today will be having a project I will be choosing the partners. First pairing is Damien, and Tom"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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