Sunday (Intro Pt2)

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Grandma: YOU LITTLE BITCH! *strikes him in the head with a frying pan* Bonggg!, left a dent in it too, now it looks like ima be frying eggs on yo face for now on.

Eric:**hopped up the bed quicker then fireworks*, YO WTF!, "who you cussin at muhfuckuh?" She said while chasing me around the house wit the pan , I ran quick as possible then finally I tippy toed to my room and opened my draw looked down trying to search for my keys, then all of a sudden I heard something , I looked up *WONGG!!* fuck where dis mf come from I said while squatting down feeling on my back trying to reduce the pain.

Grandma: Getcho ass up we goin to church!, I said while exiting his room making my way to the kitchen to lay the pan on the table, shi I don't like waking Eric up like that but he's not a little boy no more I'm trying to teach this kid some responsibility so next time I tell him let's go to church he better come down to me asap like he's dressed to go to a funeral or I'll make it his funeral fa sho.

Eric: Mann I cannot wait to get my own spot, tired of dis bullshi. I looked in my closet pullin out a white long sleeve shirt with church pants then looked down grabbing my black church shoes. Minutes later I was done so I made my way to the kitchen grabbing a granola bar then heading outside seeing Mimi start the car, I got in Lil Uzi Xo Tour Life was playin while we made our way to the church.

Pastor: Hallelujahh! Thank the lorrd look at how many people came today. Sister Eva pass the offering bins quickly on the side of people that just came thank you.

Grandma: That fool always lowkey want people money

Eric: I laughed while my grandma pulled two food stamp cards out her purse and dropped them in the bin when it came around us, the lady with the bin was saying: "oh no we don't take that mam". "TAKE IT!", I heard my grandma yell causing the lady to jump and resume passing the bin to people in front of us.


Eric: awh fuck I hate dis lemme make a remix, I stood up singing along loudly sayin: BUT A LARGE COKE AND PIZZA WITH FRENCH FRIES ON THE WAYY, TAKE ME TO BURGER KINGG, I DONT HAVE MUCH TO ORDER!.
I felt a hand bringing me down to my seat and looked down seeing my grandma saying: Sit down boy while everybody in the church looked at me, this small group of teens behind me were snickering and laughing.

2Hours later

Eric: Finally dis shit over I said in my head while heading out the church wit Mimi walkin to the car.


Eric: by the time we reached home I  called pooh seeing wut he up to.

Phone convo:

Pooh: yoo

Eric: wasgud bro wats tha play for today?

L I F EOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora