Chapter 9: 4 days left

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"Very good (y/n)! That's a perfect shot!" Ace congratulated you as you reloaded your crossbow. You had tried guns and all kinds of longrange weapons, but this weapon was more your style. "Thank you." You replied as aimed for the next bottle. Once again you pierced it, making it shatter. "Yes, that's right on the mark! Awesome!" Ace cheered. He clapped his hands and patted your head. "Looks like we have an excellent sniper right here! Man, Izo would be amazed by your skills." He grinned. Not bothering to ask who Izo even was, you started to enjoy your hidden talent and took a good look at the crossbow. "I like this." You said, placing it safely on the ground. "I think I can protect myself now."

Ace nodded in agreement and yawned. "Good, because I think we've past midnight. God, I'm tired." He said, only a second before he fell asleep and landed with his face first on the ground. You looked down at him, already used to his unusual habit and sighed. "Great." was all you managed to say when you lifted him up and dragged him all the way to his room. With a final groan, you managed to push him onto the bed. Look at him. Snoring so happily. You yawned and looked at the door to the hallway. Nope, your bed was too far away. "Sorry Ace." You whispered to him as you climbed into the bed, pushing Ace to make room for yourself and fell immediately asleep.


This was a wonderful day. You just discovered a brand new kind of fish! It looked like a bizarre mixture of a kangaroo, lizard and a shark, but no matter how many times you flipped through your encyclopaedia, it wasn't there! Secretly happy, you took a picture of the fish, naming him the 'Kazark' and listed a page in the book. Oh what an amazing day! It was as if-


You suddenly fell backwards, as if something pushed you. But you were the only one there.


And now a very quiet voice was calling you, but you were still the only one on board.

The voice got louder.

And louder.


"Y-y/n...!" A slightly shaky voice whispered. You grumbled, realizing it was all just a dream. No way you're were going to wake up. It was so comfortable here, and nicely warm! "Mmmh, not now Ace..." you groaned sleepy, pushing your face into the warmth. Did you sleep with a pillow last night? A pillow that is... weirdly warm?

"B-but you... you, um..." Ace whispered again, his voice still slightly shaking. You opened your eyes a bit annoyed. You were greeted by a chest. A very naked chest. Someone else's chest. You slowly looked up, your face getting redder as you did, until your eyes met with the darkcolored ones of Ace. The boy looked just like you. "Ah..." you let out, noticing you basically captured Ace with your legs and arms. Ace opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again and looked away. You kept looking at him. He looked... amazing. How can someone that just woke up look so handsome? Are some people really that gifted? You sure knew you weren't- Ooooh he looked at you. You gulped. You must look horrible. You slowly let go of Ace and rolled over, facing away from him. "S-sorry." you apologised, burying your face in the blanket. Ace still didn't say anything, but you could feel him moving. Moving over to you. Oh god. You could feel him laying down next to you, pushing an arm under your waist while he placed his other one on your hip. Not to mention: you could also feel his heart beat as fast as yours. Probably. Maybe not that fast, but fast anyways. "I like this better." Ace finally spoke, his nose brushing your neck. You resisted a squeal. Exactly how close was he? Closer than before, or...? Either way, you had to admit you liked it too. You allowed yourself to free your face from the blanket and shyly brushed with your hand the palm of his, to one that you were laying one. Ace chuckled and moved even closer. "... If you want to hold hands, just say it." He said, speaking in a husky tone on purpose. This time, you couldn't resist the squeal and held his hand. He was warm. Ace intertwined his fingers with yours. "You fell for it~" He suddenly grinned, lifting his arm - and you in the process - up, making you roll over to his side, face facing him, your fingers still intertwined. The tips of your noses were almost touching. That's how close you were. "Hey." Ace smiled, moving the other arm - that was resting on one of your hips - up your back, stopping in between your shoulder blades. "Hi." you smiled back, squeezing his hand. "I, uh, I want to do something. Can I?" He asked, slowly moving his arm again till his hand reaches your head, playing with your hair. "What is it?" You asked, not used to this intimacy but surely enjoying it. Ace's eyes went down, focussing on your lips for a moment, before looking at your eyes again. "... Trust me, okay?"

You nodded, knowing that you were safe with him and knowing he would never hurt you. Though not knowing what he was going to do. Ace moved closer, releasing your hand and holding you in an embrace with one arm. His other one moved too, and went from playing with your hair to gently cupping your face. He stopped moving when he was hovering above your lips.

"Y/n." He said in a breath. You hummed, able to focus solely on his lips.

"I love you."

You couldn't describe what feelings went through you as he finally connected his lips with yours. And for once, you couldn't think logically anymore. You slowly closed your eyes and cupped his cheek too. It was a soft and short kiss as Ace pulled back. You opened your eyes again, noticing a new expression in Ace's dark orbs. It was new, but... you liked it. "(Y/n), I love you." Ace said once again, the expression becoming more clear to you. You looked down at your chest for a moment before looking at him again. "These feelings inside me... I know what it is." You said softly, leaning in. "I... love you too.".

You kissed him much more cautiously and you could feel him smile. He took the lead instead, letting the kiss last a bit longer than the other one before pulling back. He hugged you close - and you did the same. "Let's just stay like this today." He said. You nodded in agreement.

Spending the 4th last day with Ace... with Ace.

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