Part 5

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The next day ford took bill back to the lake where he had found him with the promise of coming back here to get him once he had made a bigger place for him to stay. Ford was saad to see him go but it wouldn't be forever.

"I'll come back here in the mornings and evenings for you" bill promised. He was very excited to live with ford and couldn't wait to move in 

"ok i'll come here to get you when it's done" ford replied as  he started to make plans for bills living arrangements in his mind

bill nodded and looked up at ford from his place in the water "ok...well...i guess i'll go now.." bill said quietly, starting to swim out further in the lake 

"goodbye bill, i'll see you when i've finished your extension" ford said as he watched bill go then went back home to start properly planning. Bill waved goodbye then disappeared under the water. 

Bill avoided other merpeople as he swam back to the sea, seeing as he had nowhere else to go. He started to miss ford even though it had only been a short time since he last saw him. He also thought that being underwater seemed less appealing now that he saw what life could be like with a friend....he did think of ford as a friend right?...but his insides felt different than how he felt with friends...

bill pushed the thought to the back of his head to come back to later as he continued to swim in a random direction. He stopped off at a cave and sat down on a rock, as best he could underwater. His mind wandered back to ford, how much he liked him, how kind he was and how much he liked being around him...he missed him. He then started to mutter to himself about being closer to him, to be able to hug him without drenching him in water, to be able to see more of his house and to perhaps walk alongside him...not swim, walk...but that was stupid..there was no way he could do that...maybe he could get sixer into the water for a swim with him, that would be nice. He then started to fantasise about bringing fordsy to the lake perhaps at night where they could be alone. no, he couldn't think that, they were supposed to be friends...

Bill eventually moved out of the cave with a sigh and a slight blush. But unnoticed by him, a pair of purple eyes watched him. Bill swam out to the edge of the merpeople land, wanting to be alone with his thoughts for now. He leaned against a boulder and watched fish swim past him. Then a voice broke his train of thought 

"so you want to be with a human? is that right?" said a lazy drawl from his right

Bill jumped and looked wildly around for the source of the noise "who are you?" bill asked when he had located who had spoken. It was a tall merman with black hair, a dark purple tail and light purple eyes that seemed to somehow glow. 

"that doesn't matter" he said, waving bills question away "what matters right now is what you want. You see i want to help you with your little stuck in the water problem"

"how do you know about that?" bill asked suspiciously 

"you do know you were muttering to yourself?" said the black haired male with a raised brow 

"oh..." bill looked slightly embarrassed about being overheard "well what could you do?" bill asked

"come and see" he replied starting to lead him to a dark cave filled with bottles whose contents glowed with every colour. He picked up a lime green potion and placed on a small table in the middle of the cave "this will allow you to become human" he explained, tuning his back on him and starting to swim in short circles "now there are a few things we need to go over before i can let you have thi- wait where the hell did it go?" he looked up to see bill examining it.

"yeah you see i don't really want to make some kind of shady deal so i'll just take this and go" bill said as he grinned at him and left. 

The black haired male groaned  "every time!...i really need to plan better.." he grumbled to himself as he watched bill leave. Despite all his potions he was not particularly fast

Bill swam far and fast until he came back to gravity falls lake, he smiled and uncorked the bottle when his torso was above the surface. This was really going to surprise sixer. But was he really going to commit to being with fordsy forever. Ford had been the best company he had ever had, he was sure about this. He took a small sip, it tasted quite bitter. He waited but nothing happened, he frowned  and crossed his arms 

"what was i thinking, of course it doesn't work" he said bitterly. He looked up seeing how late it was getting and decided to turn in for the night.


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