Isabella Anderson^^^

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Hi my name is Isabella Anderson. I am 22 years old and I have not only  one or two but 6 over-protective brothers.My brothers :
James : 28
Ethan : 27
Cameron: 26
Caleb: 26
Cameron and Caleb are twins
Jake: 23
Samuel:23 , Ya! They are twins too
Oh and meet my parents, they are sweetest if you didn't get on their bad side. My father is  Cole Anderson. He is the owner of  one of the famous company Anderson &Co. Currently my brother James and Ethan are the CEO of the company . My Father is a ruthless businessman as well as my brothers but all of them have a soft spot which is for me . Oh and all my brothers are players because of their charm and all etc.. except James because he has a serious girlfriend , her name is Jenna. She is nice girl .
My Mother is my first bestie, we talk like little teenagers, I know . But that's what I like my mom , she is sweet , childish ( like me 😜) . Her name is Katherine Anderson. So now bye tomorrow I have school .

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