two | the potter boy

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For the next few weeks, Jane did nothing but daydream about Hogwarts. What would it be like? Would she make friends? What if they didn't like her? What if it was all one big mistake and she wasn't a witch after all?

Gertrude didn't approach Jane much during this time. She simply said nothing to her, avoiding her at all costs. Jane was confused and angry with her, and wanted to know what her problem was, why her Aunt Gertrude, who seemed to be the biggest Muggle of Muggles, was so bitter about her going to Hogwarts. In reality, Gertrude wasn't bitter as much as she was anxious. While she never really got along with her brother, Sam was still her brother. He still mattered to her, and he was dead. He threw himself into his work, got caught up in some bad business with the mother of his child and business partner, Maggie, and because of that he was dead.

Gertrude may not be close with Jane, but she still cared for her. Gertrude didn't want Jane to end up dead because of that bloody wizard world she was excluded from. But, it seems Dumbledore had every intention of getting her niece involved with magic, and his word, as everyone knew, was law.

Jane tried not to dwell on her aunt and all the secrets she's kept from her the past ten years, instead deciding to spend her time thinking about what Harry Potter would be like. What would the famous boy look like? What was his personality like? Would he like her? Did he live a good life with the Dursleys'? Did he grow up not knowing about magic like she did? Or did he know all about it? What if Harry found her dumb for not knowing about magic?

Jane had no idea what to expect from the Boy Who Lived, but in the end, he was just a boy. An eleven-year-old kid who was in over his head, just like her. They went through so much together, without even properly knowing each other. They had to bond over that at least.

When July 31st rolled around, Jane was practically bouncing with excited nerves. She could barely sleep due to her own excitement, so she ended up just giving up and got dressed at the crack of dawn in a large green jumper and jeans. She waited around all day until she heard a honk emit from the street. Jane grabbed her rucksack before racing outside, a dazzling smile brightening up her pale face as she greeted the black cab waiting for her. She went to open the back of the car, and guffawed at the sight inside.

There, squished in the back seat, was Hagrid.

"Hagrid!" Jane greeted in both with amusement and slight surprise that he managed to squeeze his giant body in there.

"'Ello Jane," he said back, although it sounded like a mutter due to his chin being practically smashed into his chest.

Jane chuckled slightly. "You okay, Hagrid? You don't seem very comfortable."

"I'm fine, Jane," he insisted. "Jus' a bit cramped back here's all. We're goin' to the neares' train station from her'."

Jane nodded before slipping into the backseat with him, taking up the 1/4 space left. "So where's this Potter bloke you told me about?"

"Over here," a voice said from the front.

Sitting in the passenger seat in the front of the cab was a scrawny boy with messy black hair and piercing green eyes residing behind some round glasses taped in the middle. Jane's eyes traveled to his forehead, where, smack in the middle, was the famous lightning shaped scar.

Jane gave the boy a wide smile, holding out a hand to him. "Hi, I'm Jane Tyler. Nice to meet you."

He took her hand and smiled back. "I'm Harry Potter, nice to meet you too."


On the car ride to the train station, Jane learned a bit about Harry. His Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia were terrible, treating Harry like scum whilst treating their son, Harry's cousin Dudley, like he was the most precious thing in the world. In reality, Dudley was a big, blonde bully.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2018 ⏰

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