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Note:On Friday I am going to the dentist this week so no chapter on the 7th

Kiba sat up and looked at Toboe,Hige, and Tsume as Tsume gave him a glare "what were you thinking?! We thought you were dead!" Toboe said as she sniffled "...." Kiba looked at the sky and sighed "Don't ignore us now" Hige said as he glared and sighed "Kiba you never think" Tsume said as he sat down beside Kiba letting out a small laugh "I smelt something" Kiba said as he stood up and began to walk and wobble down the alley way "Those teenagers? Is that worth your life?" Tsume quickly replied and snarled "They were not strangers..." Kiba said as he turned around to face his friends and frowned "Who did you see that we know?" Hige replied and stood with Tsume and Toboe "Blue....." Kiba quickly said and turned his head to force a straight face

"B-Blue?!" Hige said with a shocked face "Yes..." Kiba replied and held his left shoulder "Why her?" Toboe said as Blue was behind them "Because..." Blue replied with a smirk "I told Kiba not to be so harsh towards others including me and so I could kill him" Blue said and laughed "You made a mistake" Tsume said with a snarl "Ya'll are the ones who made the mistake....come out boys" Blue said as she laughed and smiled "You traitor! We trusted you!" Toboe said as she growled "....." Hige said as he started to shake "Yes well...we all change" Blue replied and moved out the way and let around ten teenagers circle around the wolves "Hige?" Toboe said as she shaked Hige as Hige shaked his head and snarled at Blue "You can go rot with Quent you filthy mutt!" Hige said as he snapped at her "Hehe Hahahaha hahahaha! You are funny! I am with him" Blue said with a smile

"Get near my friends and die.." Kiba said with a low growl "K-Kiba?" Toboe said as she stood beside her friends "Alright lets do this" Tsume said as he snarled and the ten teenage boys started attacking the four wolves "Tsk tsk...Kiba you try to hard to protect the ones you love" Blue said with a smile "But you failed and you always will fail" Blue added and walked towards Kiba and Toboe "Back off" Kiba said with a growl as he bit Blue's arm as Blue screamed in pain "Boss!" A young boy said with redish-Orange hair and a gap between his front two teeth "Gehl?" Tsume said as he looked at the young boy "Who the hell?" Toboe said as she bit at the young boy who swung his hammer at the girl "Back away!" Gehl said and looked at the boy with Silver hair "Gehl? Stop" Tsume said as he approached Gehl and gently took the hammer and threw it "Kiba!!!!!!!!!!" Hige said as he attacked Blue and snarled "Tsume?" Gehl said as he looked at Tsume then shook his head and backed away "You are not Tsume there is no way" Gehl quickly said and glared "How else would I know your name?" Tsume said as a teenage boy whacked him from behind with the hammer and drug all four of the wolves to the truck in cages and smiled "Those boys will be sorry" Blue said as she drove the truck to the main city

Note:Another chapter coming out later!

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