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Note:Back at it with making more chapters!

Kiba woke up and rubbed his head "what the hell happened.." He said while getting up as Toboe jerked up from the couch to hear someone walking to the door "Kiba! Where are you going?" She said as she rubbed her eyes "I need air" Kiba said  as he unlocked the door "Can I come?" Toboe said smiling and running to him "Sure" Kiba said walking out with her "Yay!" Toboe followed him smiling

"What the hell...." Blue said as she sat up to see the front door opened "Toboe must have gone out" Blue said shrugging and seeing Kiba was gone "Oh no! No no no no no no!" Blue said freaking out "Blue what is it" Hige said sitting up "Kiba is gone and Toboe is too! What if Kiba hurts her?!" Blue said and breathed "Lets go look for them while Tsume is asleep" Hige said smiling and walking out the door "Hige!" Blue said following him "Kiba how are you feeling?" Toboe said as she walked beside him "I am fine my head just hurts like hell.." Kiba said holding his head "oops..well Blue knocked you out" Toboe said looking at his head

"For what?" Kiba said staring at Toboe "So you could rest!" Toboe quickly said "Well I did rest but I woke up with a killer headache....tch" Kiba said removing his hand from his head "Kiba do you need some medicine or an ice pack?" Toboe said staring him in the eyes "No I don't Toboe-" Kiba said then stopped "Kiba?" Tobo said staring at him "Someone is following us.." Kiba said rubbing his head again "Lets go..to the alley and talk" Toboe said leading Kiba "Kiba!!!!!!!!" Blue said as she chased after them with Hige "Oh hell..." Kiba said walking with Toboe "Blue? Hige?" Toboe said looking behind her "Come on Kiba I don't want you getting a bigger headache" Toboe said running into three different alley ways with Kiba

"Where did they go?" Blue said looking around "This way I got their scent" Hige said running to the alley way where Toboe was with Kiba "Hige.." Blue said walking to them to reveal Kiba sitting down rubbing his head as Toboe watched him "Kiba, you ok?" Toboe said sitting beside Kiba "Oh....he has a headache?" Hige said as Toboe nodded "Oops...sorry Kiba" Blue said looking at him "Its fine..my head just hurts but its fine" Kiba said looking at the ground "Ok.." Blue and Hige said as Toboe comforted Kiba "Kiba how bad does the headache hurt?" Toboe said with a frown "Its fine..." Kiba said removing his hand from his head and yelled "Kiba!" Blue said as she looked at him "His headache is killing him" Toboe said with worried eyes "Kiba go back to the apartment you need rest" Hige said as Toboe and Blue nodded

"No I don't" Kiba said standing up "Its fine" Kiba said placing his hand on his hand and walking as the others followed "Kiba.." Toboe said catching up to him "What" Kiba said and sighed "Lets go get you medicine and an eye pack or two" Toboe said and pointed to the mall "No...its fine I said its fine ok? Its fine it just needs to go away and then I will be fine but like I said its fine" Kiba said over and over "You are hurting Kiba" Blue said as Hige picked Kiba up and ran to the apartment with Him and Blue and Toboe "Hige! Put me down!" Kiba glared "No!" Hige said as he layed Kiba on the bed and watched him "I am fine.." Kiba said staring at them all as Tsume walked in "Toboe you stay here with him me and the others are gonna get things" Tsume said as Toboe nodded Tsume,Hige, and Blue ran to the mall "Toboe..." Kiba said closing his eyes as Toboe fell asleep by him keeping him warm and safe "Rest..." Toboe said as she fell asleep along with Kiba with snores

Note:Sorry for it being fucking short as hell

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