Chapter 28: A Walk to change your Life.

Start bij het begin

"Uhm.. well.. okay lets start.."

"So its like this" Jean instructed the people. "we put our hands together, then we'll gonna sing a chant.. while we sing a chant our hands will spank the other hand, so it kind of moves to the other hand up to the other while the chant is going on. When the chant stops. The last hand to be spank with will be the one to do truth or dare.. get it?"

"Alright. Its Connie. Connie, Truth or dare?"

"Uhm.. Well. Truth." Connie said as he took a shot of the whiskey

"Haha. who do you like in the school?" Jean asked, smiling like a horse.


"You heard me.."

"Well. Uhm. Fuck you Jean. Can you ask me another question!?"

"Nope. Answer that one."

"Promise me guys no one would tell! If she knew about this that means you are all gay!" Connie shouted while blushing red.

"Its.. Its. Sasha.."

"I knew it!" Marco yelled

"Oi Marco don't tell her!"

"Sasha?! How the hell.. that girl doesn't stop eating seriously Connie" Eren replied.

"Yeah. And one time she fucking slapped and elbowed me just because I did'nt bought her the Yakisoba bread she's asking" Reiner added.

"And she kind of like always being nice to everyone I wonder if that is still true or shes just being plastic" Bertholdt added.

Connie just smiled and said "You know. To be honest.. Those are the things I like about her, she is perfect just the way she is. She's really nice. Once you get to know her. You know"

"tch. You do not like her. You love her you damn kid" Levi added.

Then everyone just laughed at Connie's cheezines towards Sasha. While Levi thought of something that reminded him of Hanji.

"This kid is just like me few months ago. Wouldn't know how I feel about Hanji until I just seeing myself falling inlove with her.. and from the bottom, now were here. Getting married" Levi thought of this inside his head while he let out a smile.

"Okay! Mr. Jinn! Its your turn!"

Eld took a shot of the whiskey and said "Dare!"

"Wel.. hmm lets think about one."

And the rest is all of the boys getting their own shot of whiskey and doing their dares and telling the truth to their friends. They also started singing the unending song of the 'Beach Boys' while ago because it is on repeat.

--Time Skip—

It is already Sunset when the people arrived at the hotel residences near the ocean. The boys took the Tower A building while the girls occupied the Tower B building. Once they arrived to their room. The girls started putting their dresses and things on their closet and picking up their bed. While the boys, of course being a little tipsy over the journey, just launched their bodies into their beds and just took a power nap, never minding their luggages and things. Except for Levi of course, being a clean freak and an organized man as he is. Put his things in order on the closet and took a shower before he took the same nap. Everybody felt tired on the 4 hour drive so they kind of got their own rest for a while.

--Time Skip in the Evening—

Everybody got a good nap and now the girls are preparing for their dinner.

"Hey guys! What do you want for dinner?" Hanji asked.

"Uhm Ms. Hanji can you make some Japanese food? I kind of miss Mom's food.." Mikasa answered.

When love and hate collide. ( a modern Levi and Hanji fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu