Chapter 12: Psychotic Comrades

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The Levi squad met on a random coffee shop instead on Levi's house because he assumed that by this time, it is already covered in dust and fallen leaves everywhere.

"So, did you confess to Hanji?" Petra asked starry eyed.

"When will you get married?" Oluo asked.

"No" Levi said

"what?! Levi, were pretty sure we gave you some techniques on how to confess. and you did not do it?!" Gunther groaned

"Let me guess" Eld continue "That Big ass blonde Erwin guy is on your way and is ready to steal your Hanji right?"

"Shut up idiot" LEvi rolled his eyes, 

"But you're right Eld" Levi continued.

"Oh shit just got real"

"Now I dont know how to make a move to Hanji with Erwin always surrounding her" Levi exhaled heavily.

the four friends stared at each other and made an evil genius smile.

"We've got your back dude, you just listen up" Eld chuckled.

and Levi sat near his friends and adjusted his head so that he could hear their plans

--Time Skip--

its now 6:00 pm and Levi just arrived at HAnji's house, with erwin in it of course. 

He opened the gate using the spare key and landed on the couch. he got his phone and texted Eld.

"Hey you sure this would work?" Levi started the conversation.

"Yeah, I knew Grace, shes a girl and mostly girls are just the same thinking, just go with it dude"

"Shit, I dont think I can stay like this for about 4weeks especially that hanji and i wont have enough time"

"Trust us Levi, She'll change her mind.

"Shit, if this plan fails, I will kill you all four!"

"Fine, but if this works you have to invite us again there for another party."

"Whatever, thanks, bye!"

Just as Levi lies on the couch, Hanji came and squealed.

"Leviiiiiiii!!!!!! I missed you!!! Where youve been?"

Levi ignored Hanji and walked to the bar section. Hanji felt embarrased but she shook it off.

"Hey Clean Freak! you okay?" Hanji asked curiously.


"No youre not"

"I am. I need to sleep"

"You need to go to sleep when youre getting 3 bottles of beer? COme on Levi, Whats the problem"


"I know its not nothing. will you just--"

"I said nothing! Now will you just shut you mouth and let me do my thing?!"

"L-levi" Hanji was shocked at his reaction.

"Hey whats going on?!" Erwin interrupted.

"Uhm Nothing erwin I just wanna talk with Levi"

"But he is yelling at you" Erwin said with a concerned face.

LEvi glared daggers at Erwin and just walked out and went to the couch.

"Shit this is a lot difficult than I thought" Levi whispered. "Sorry Hanji"

--Time skip to 3 weeks--

When love and hate collide. ( a modern Levi and Hanji fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now