Chapter 3

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Hey guys! so here's the rest! I l

hope you guys liked it!

Joeys POV

Sawyer grabbed y/n and started kissing her. I was walking with my fist clenched. I suddenly unclasped my wrist thinking why am so mad the kissed her? Do I like her? No, I just met her. Besides look at her, then look at me. I might be.. but she can't like him. I'll just be friendly were she don't think I'm clingy or anything like that.

Joey: Uhh hey guys

y/n: Hey Joey!

Sawyer: HEY JOEY!! stumbles*


Good maybe he doesn't actually like her and he kisses he just because he's drunk.

Joey: What are you guys doing?

y/n: Oh nothing much, just telling him to not kiss me again.

he's drunk though.

Joey: Yea I could tell lol

Sawyer: NO IM NOT GUYS!!!!

Joey: Let me take you home and put you to bed. Y/n wanna come?

y/n: Sure! Let me go tell Kalel and Anthony.

Joey: Ok we'll be in the car!

y/n: Ok!

Your POV

Were gonna go take Sawyer home and put him to bed, he's pretty drunk. after I think were just gonna go home.

y/n: Hey guys me and Joey are gonna bring Sawyer home and put him to bed. He's really drunk, and after I think were just gonna stay home.

Kalel and Anthony: Ok see you guys at home! Bye!

Y/n: Ok! Bye!

At Sawyers House

Sawyer: I'm thirsty!

Joey: Ok let me put you to bed and y/n will bring you some water.

y/n: Here Sawyer!

Sawyer: Thanks!

y/n: Anytime!

Joey: Were gonna go now see ya later Sawyer!

Y/n: Bye!

Sawyer: Bye!

At home

Your POV

We just got home after putting Sawyer to bed. Me and Joey are gonna go get some snacks and a movie and watch it in the livingroom.

At the store

Joey: What movie do you wanna watch?

y/n: How about the Notebook 2? I heard its a good movie.

Joey: Sure!

At home

Joeys POV

We put the movie in and were about to watch it as soon as we get the snacks.

y/n: I love this movie!

Joey: Its alright..

she threw a pillow at my head.

y/n: its great!

We started laughing, then it got quiet as I stared into her eyes. The next thing we knew our lips were connected.

I hope you guys like this chapter! I put some thought into it, and I have some pretty great ideas for this story! I'll be posting soon like really soon! thanks for reading!

A Joey Graceffa fanfic ~I Think I Love You..~Where stories live. Discover now