Chapter Four

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"I think you guys got enough now," Mom said, "This isn't very exciting," Mom said. She always says something along those lines to the paparazzi. 

Just when I thought we were going to have to shove these guys out of the way, a lady came from inside the building to escourt us the rest of the way inside. She took my mom roughly by the arm. I guess she didn't even realize I was her daughter and she hardly aknowleged me. 

Right when we were about to step inside the door, one of the shutterbugs reached out and greabbed my mom's arm. She just pulled away but for me that was the last straw. 

"Hey! Fuck off!" I screamed at the guy. We drove inside where was quiet. A wave of of panic swooped over me. Mom looked like she was sobbing. "Mom!" I started. But she lifted up her sunglasses and I saw that she was laughing hysterically. She was laughing so hard she was crying.

Mom just kind of a low laugh. Sometimes I tell her she sounds like a guy laughing just to piss her off. "Did you actually tell that guy to fuck off?!" She was shaking she was laughing so hard. She grabbed my shoulder to support herself.

"He grabbed your arm!" I said defensively. "Too far." Mom just kept laughing. The woman who helped us looked very uncomfortable. She was just kind of standing there and awkwardly laughing quietly.

"This way now, Miss Aniston." The woman said. She was doing the thing where she kind of pretended to laugh while she talks so you wouldn't feel bad, but she obviously didn't think what was going on this funny at all. Mom pretended to pull herself together, but when the lady turned around she broke down laughing again. Eventually I just laughed with her. It was pretty funny. We linked arms and stumbled down the hall next to each other and into a room where we were doing the interview.

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