Once inside the exercise hall I made quick work out of grabbing the oils in question, applying them, and then gave myself a quick once-over in a nearby mirror as well as checked my things to ensure I had everything I needed. I went through my burgling kit and replaced a few of the picks that I'd broken off in Hartman's various doors, and shed myself of some of the things I suspected I wouldn't be needing anytime soon. My stomach felt a little unsettled, and I debated whether or not to take a quick pull from one of the bottles of spirits in my liquor cabinet.

Brandy, plus vimroot and leviathyme?

Bad idea.

I gave myself another quick once-over and checked my inventory - wrist sling, hand-held crossbow and tether, lots of sling ammo, lock picks, smoke-sticks, cacaothane, a few noisemakers, a small dagger, and a towel-like bundle about the size of my forearm. Everything fit into my kit tidily, and when slung over my right shoulder the contents hung at about mid-back, easily within reach. I no longer had a cloak to cover my kit, obviously, so I'd have to remember it was there if I decided to change the color of my tunic and pants at some point. Sneaking about undetected wasn't going to be nearly as urgent for this, so I doubted I'd need any help from my thoughtcloth garments. Still, it was a good thing to keep in mind, just in case things got hairy. The last thing I wanted was to try blending in with a section wall or something and have it ruined by a Crown Knight wondering what a small, black burgling kit was doing just hovering there against the wall, as if by magic.

After about ten minutes of checking and double-checking things, I eventually headed back upstairs to my greeting hall, feeling a bit more alert, as well as fractionally more calm. I took a deep breath as I rounded a corner, expecting to see Janviel....

...and found Talia standing there instead.

I froze.

Oh gods...

She was holding my cloak in front of her as though it were the delicate burial shroud of some long-lost relative, and was simply staring at it. She'd turned the cloak a brilliant white, something I wasn't aware she could do, given the rarity of something like thoughtcloth.

Deep maroon splotches of blood stood out against the now-white fabric horrifically.

Talia heard me enter the room and turned her head in my direction, at which point about a thousand lampreys began feasting on my innards.

She looked me over, likely taking note of the various articles of clothing I was currently garbed in... considering their purpose, and how well suited they were for doing things like sneaking about, unnoticed. Within moments her entire face changed, as though she were piecing things together in her mind.

"Talia. What... what are you doing up at this hour?" I asked.

"You did it," she said, sounding half-afraid of the words that were coming out of her mouth. Her voice sounded like something that was half accusation, half misery.

Gods only know why I chose that moment to try to be funny.

"What, ruined my cloak? It's salvageable, surely. We just need some cold water, and maybe some-"

"You did it!" she practically shrieked, her hands shaking the garment she held as she spoke, practically radiating righteous ire. "You killed Hartman!"


Eyes wide, I glanced over to the table she was standing beside, quickly trying to figure out a way to diffuse this situation, hold the shattered remnants of my plan together.

Maybe it was the combination of chemicals I'd just unleashed into my bloodstream, I don't know. All I do know for sure was that I probably should have rejected the first idea I had and taken a few more seconds to ponder some of the alternatives.

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