Part 6: Night Out

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Daphne went back to her table. Helena was dancing with Thomas and they didn't even notice her. She sipped her drink and tapped her fingernails in the beat. She was thinking how she enjoyed the minutes she spent with Saul's friends.Despite her embarrassement everything worked perfectly fine. She knew all of them and they were exactly how she imagined them. Kind, fun and they made her feel good. Time was passing painfully slow. Her friends were ignoring her and she was getting bored. Saul popped in her mind. He was looking too good as always. He definitely was hard to resist and at that exact moment she was tired of resisting. Maybe it was the alcohol talking but for a brief moment she decided she kind of liked Saul. So she grabbed her phone and texted him.

 《You having fun?》
 《I do, but i was hoping i'd have more. You?》

Daphne thought that was her sign to make a move.

 《Same. Sooo wanna meet me at the dance floor?》
  《Glad you asked. :) Meet you in a while》   

Daphne took a breath.. She looked over at Helena who was now making out with Thomas, grabbed her phone and her drink and went to the dance floor. There were too many people and she couldn't find him. Her anxiety was striking in and instantly she regretted texting him. She was cursing herself because she just tolde him to meet her in the dancefloor. Which was crowded!! They would never find each other. She was always thoughtful but that action wasn't really well planned. That bothered her. This wasn't her. She felt like losing her mind, like losing her self. Or maybe she was finding them? 

She was looking around but Saul was nowhere to be seen.

"Looking for me?" She heard Saul from behind.

"I thought i'd never find you. But i'm glad YOU found me." She let a sigh.

"Even if you didn't find me, I would have. I feel like... I'm drawn to you."

"Oh my God do you ever stop being cheesy?" Daphne laughed, but internally she was freaking out. Saul joined her.

"I'm being cheesy only when you're around."

"Okay, your level of cheesiness might be your biggest turn off." She drank the last sip of her vodka.

"Oh really?" he smirked. "Another round?"
"Sure." She handed him her glass.

"Just wait here." Daphne was already swaying her hips to the rhythm.

Saul returned in a couple of minutes holding their drinks. He handed her her glass.

"Soo if me being cheesy is a turn off.... That means I turn you on?" He was smirking again and getting cocky.

"I was... generally speaking..." She hated him for being cocky. In any other person she would hate this feature but in his case he was so damn attractive. Yes. She hated him for this. She danced to she rhythm avoiding looking in his eyes.

"You seem like enjoying dancing." He sipped his drink. Daphne was looking at him but she was sure he was smirking.

"I like having fun. Most of the times, i mean."

"You seem like you're fun to be honest."

"You know i try my best." She was now flirting with him.

They kept talking and flirting and dancing. They were having lots of fun. Daphne was having the time of her life. She had never enjoyed a night out that much since that karaoke night she had gone to with Helena some years ago. Saul was having a blast too. He liked talking with Daphne. He liked dancing with her. And he like drinking with her. Well, actually Daphne had drunk more than him, but he still enjoyed watching her being carefree and happy.
"For the hundredth time, I'm fiiine." Daphne said and she meant it. She just had started getting slighly dizzy and she liked the feeling.

•All I Wanted Was Have Fun• Saul Niguez.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora