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You had been assigned to help Levi, Furlan, and Isabella 'check-in' to the Survey Corps. Being placed on guard nearby, you carefully listened to the thugs discuss possible ways to murder Erwin. Angrier by the second, you kept biting your lip to prevent yourself from going over there and smacking the small man to the ground. Erwin was like an older brother to you, as he had helped you greatly when you were forced to enter the military as well all those years ago.

Another member of your guard ordered the three thugs to come with him. Since you were watching over them, you got behind the three. Moving closer to them, you had lost your temper. "Want to die? Plan killing Erwin again, will 'ya?"

Levi paid no attention, whilst Isabella and Furlan glared back at you. Moving them forward, you shook your head. What's your goal, Erwin? I understand hiring Levi, but the other two? Are you just keeping them for the sake of pacifying the Levi character?


A short time later, the three were admitted to the corps by Commander Keith Shadis. Watching the initiation next to Erwin, you recalled how many people currently enlisted were angry that criminals were being drawn in. When asked about your opinion, you chose not to give it due to your circumstances. For you, it was basically join the military, or die - which was most likely the options of these three as well.

You noticed Erwin eyeing down Levi. Looking back at him, you realized the man hadn't said his name to the crowd. Seeing Erwin's glare, he answered. "It's Levi." Levi scowled.

Seeing his scowl almost made you laugh, but you knew you shouldn't laugh at a serious time like this. Isabella and Furlan's introductions were filled with smiles and being pleasant, entertaining you to the slightest bit. Commander Shadis announced that the three new recruits would be placed on Flagon's squad, causing him to express his feelings of anger and surprise right then and there.

Remembering the meeting from earlier, you remembered how much he did not want to take part in this. You giggled quietly, causing Erwin to jab you with his elbow slightly.

The Commander continued as Flagon's protest died down. "Erwin will be leading an expedition from outside the walls. And one other thing," He turned to you, causing your stomach to drop. "___ Jacobs would have been promoted to Squad Leader, but due to personal reasons, she will not become one today. However, she is now also apart of Flagon's squad."

Out of shock, you saluted the commander. I know exactly why he's doing this. It's not out of vengeance for me not accepting his offer, but it's to make sure the new three don't cause hell. All of the Survey Corp was looking at you, but you noticed the particular glare of one man your height starting directly into your eyes. His face seemed blank, yet slightly alarmed.

It was Levi.


Isabella, Furlan, and Levi had begun their training. You didn't need to go down there, so you didn't bother yourself with it. Instead, you decided to watch from Erwin's room, as he had the perfect view of the training sight.

"It doesn't seem like they're causing too much trouble..." You said as the two of you watched. "Isabella's horse already seems to have warmed up to her!"

He nodded. "They're something, all right. I think we all underestimated them because they came from the underground. But in actuality, they're all humans who have learned very resourceful ways to survive."

"You're right. Flagon won't stop ranting to me about how they're all 'acting', but I told him to just forget about it. So far, they haven't injured or killed anyone, so that's a plus." You smiled.

"Yes, but the tension between everyone right now is obvious. They noticed that we were watching them, so they decided to get back to training." He turned to you. "You usually go down to check on the training. Why haven't you done so yet?"

You sighed. "Flagon thinks I insisted that the three join his squad. Like you mentioned with tension, I don't want to have any unnecessary tension at the moment." Hoping Erwin would understand (heck, he knew you well enough to understand your motives), you were still annoyed at the fact that you found Levi slightly attractive. Wanting to stay away from the former fugitive, you scowled at yourself internally.

"Ah, I see." The silence continued as the two of you watched the new recruits do surprisingly well.

A knock on the door was heard as Flagon stepped in. "Erwin, ___. Could I talk to you for a second?"

You and Erwin nodded in approval.

"Right... The three of them are doing really, really well. Levi is extremely fast with his gear, and is even slicing dummies underhanded. Isabella is great with the animals, and Furlan's catching on quickly." Flagon seemed shocked.

Erwin responded before you could. "I knew they'd excel if they were placed under you. That's why I recommended it to the commander. Well done, Flagon." Erwin smiled.

Flagon smiled back, but he noticed your intense stare as he saluted you and Erwin.


Several months later, the gates opened, letting you and the whole corps expedite outside the walls. Watching the three with concern, you noticed their reactions, making a note of them all. Even Levi, who was usually a sour person, seemed to be the excited about being outside. You smiled, then realizing your anger with yourself. I can't fall for Levi. I'm committed to saving the human race, not some half-pint guy! When you looked back at the three, you noticed Levi yet again staring at you.

Sighing to yourself, you turned to Flagon. "Just kill some titans, right?"

"Uh." He frowned. "We're testing the formation, remember?"

Isabella seemed to have been angering some of her fellow squadmates, so Flagon had to yell at all of them to settle the tension. "Training and actually killing titans is a lot harder than you think. If you all think arguing at each other is going to help, then we have no hope of succeeding."

That shut them up, luckily. Your horse neighed in happiness.

Titans started being spotted from left to right. You felt the adrenaline raging through you, oddly calming and preparing you to fight.

Commander Shadis was shouting left and right. "Flagon's squad - engage and battle and fight 'till you die!"

Shit! And this early, too?! The formation might not be working after all. Going along with your squad, the titan got closer as both parties decreased their distances. I'm not going to let any comrades die today!

Flagon saw your determination. "Don't do it, ___. If you do this, you're going to kill us all. Hold back." Knowing he was right, you decided not to go on your own for once. "Get the titans away from the wagons!"

Well, you ended up going with the few that went to attack the titan. Throwing yourself into the air, you spun downwards as you prepared your blades to slice the nape. Your hair flew back, your cape was decreasing your chance of failure, your blades shining in the sunlight as you sliced the nape. Titan blood spewed onto you, the titan falling out of the direction of the wagons.

Unfortunately for the others, you had killed the wrong titan. The abnormal they were really aiming for bit the head off the person it was carrying, killing your comrade. Goddammit, why can't I listen?!

"___! You're operating under me, so freaking listen!" You heard Flagon scream. Levi was nearing him and the other person, appearing to talk to them.

Suddenly, Isabella, Furlan, and Levi went on their own towards the abnormal. They're gonna get themselves killed! You tried racing behind them to get to them, but your horse was much further back than theirs. You watched in awe with the others as Isabella and Furlan broke the legs of the titan, Levi hitting and slicing the nape.

Hearing Flagon curse in awe, you turned to see Erwin nearby, smiling at the three. I guess I need to stop underestimating them, too. ​​​​​​​

Levi X Reader: Skeletonsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن