Zelo_Dyowie Artwork

256 3 3

USERNAME: Zelo_Dyowie

PROMPT: 1234

EXPLENATION: Napili ko ito kasi wal lang .. Para kasing eto gusto gawin ng mahiwagang kamay ko na walang ka modo modo xD .. Dejk, Seryoso, Ito napili ko kasi wala na akong mapling iang prompt, ito napagtripan ko .. Yung cover uro Green at Blue kasi sa color na kinaabasan ng negative .. SORRY po kung nakakasakit ng mata ..

Good luck po sa mga ibang contesants ^_^ //

Judges , will rate 1 to 10. You can put some Extra comment or suggestion to the cover editor.

Audience , will rate 1 to 3 .

Judges , Audience , Co- participants votes are counted.

Assigned Judges For This Round : @AdminSky @GirlOnSet @52PEPPYtwo


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