Shiinri Artwork

592 31 28

Username: Shiinri

Prompt: Mirror

Explanation: Okay sana wala pang nakakagawa ng gantong style, there are 5 girls who love to look at the "Mirror" they always say that they're very beautiful, one day an unexpected event came to their life, they're all adventurous, in an innocent look outside they have a fierce and bad side, and because of that they got that scars and eyes in mirror, meaning when they look in the mirror, the scars and the eyes appear.

Judges , will rate 1 to 10. You can put some Extra comment or suggestion to the cover editor.

Audience , will rate 1 to 3 .

Judges , Audience , Co- participants votes are counted.

Assigned Judges For This Round : @AdminSky @GirlOnSet @52PEPPYtwo


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