Hey, Stranger

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Story One: Puzzle Wednesdays
Story Two: Wanted: Great Listener
Story Three: Find Your Bae

Three stories, one bite-sized read. Short, sweet, and super addicting! #PopFicChatFic is your latest candy-colored dream! 😘 📗📘📕📙 The second book, #HeyStranger by Leng De Chavez is out now!

Rush to the stores now and have a bite of this newest #PopFictionatic must-have! #PopFicReveal

Rush to the stores now and have a bite of this newest #PopFictionatic must-have! #PopFicReveal

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Three stories, one bite-sized book. Short, sweet, and super addicting! # PopFicChatFic is your latest candy-colored dream! Our first two books, # AfterGoodbye by Pilosopotasya and # HeyStranger by Shirlengtearjerky are out now!
Rush to the stores now and have a bite of these newest # PopFictionatic must-haves!
# PopFicReveal

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