If The Monkees came to your house

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If you got a letter in the post telling you that the Monkees from the TV show, not the real life Monkees, where going to be coming to your house to visit and to stay for supper what would you do to prepare? What would you make? What would you do?

I'd clean. My flat is not the neatest place. So I'd clean like there was no tomorrow then I'd pour over my cookbooks trying to find the right dishes to make for them. I think I'd make chilled vegetable gazpacho with chicken salad sandwiches, it gets really hot here in July. For dessert I'd make dirt cake.

As for what we'd do? I'd ask them if they'd like to listen to my records, I wonder if I'd have to hide my Monkee records what do you think? After that maybe we'd take a walk outside or something. 


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