Better cook

58 1 3

Out of The Monkees, who do you think is the main cook, when they have food in the house?

I think it's Mike. My head canon is that because he was the oldest or second oldest of however many kids, if you want to hear my rant about Mike having no siblings see 'Things that annoy me in Monkee fan fictions,' and his mom worked to support them so he had to learn how to cook to feed his siblings.

I think that is followed by Micky. The reason why is because I think Micky's mom is the kind of woman who makes sure her son knows how to cook at least something before he moves out of the house.

Davy is next and due to it just being him and his grandfather I think he knows basic stuff like Micky, but he can also cook thing s that to him are basic foods that the other guys haven't heard of like bangers and mash.

Peter can't cook at all. Poor guy. I think his mom and dad tried to teach him, but he's just so scatter-brained that he never quit got the hang of it. 

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