What You Should Of Told Me (BoyxBoy)

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Why? Why me?

Why did he choose to bother me, out of all the guys in the world. Like my father always says there are plenty of fish in the sea. So why couldn't he let me just keep swimming.

I wasn't all that sure about my sexuality yet and he was just making it harder for me to think.

Yes I told my brother that I was gay, but I don't know, maybe I jumped the gun on that one because to be completely honest Im not a hundred percent sure anymore.

My interest in girls had increased a hardly noticeable amount, I would think about their soft lips on mine but then I would almost instantly think about how a guys lips would feel like or how they would taste.

Does that make me gay? Or maybe bi curious. Hmm that could be it. Or maybe I was just at the point in life where I wanted to experiment. That was definitely a possibility, you always hear about teens my age doing just that. Experimenting. Why does sixteen have to be such a confusing age.

A/N: soo what do you think? It's just a little test chapter, not even a chapter just a little intro to see if anyone would actually be interested. Let me know if you are so I can decide if I want to actually continue on writing it.

What You Should Of Told Me (BoyxBoy) *ON HOLD*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant