Chapter 5: Arrow in the Dark

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When Rogers, Dusk, Dawn, and Jessam had finally found an exit through the cave, their eyes had to adjust to the brightness outside for a second or two. Ahead of them was a trail leading through more forest that was completely identical to the trail they had been traveling through for about an hour, save for the bloody trail.

"Welcome fools!" A nasally voice yelled from the forest. "To your doom!" The group looked around to see who was speaking, but no one appeared.

"Who's there?" Dusk called out, looking up at the trees. "Show yourself!"

"Follow the cold shiver running down your spine." The voice implored.

"Just get it over with, ya git." Rogers groaned.

"Fine!" The voice responded. "And here I was wanting to have some fun with you. Incorrigible fools." He added, muttering to himself. Then, a tall, robed human carrying a long staff emerged from the foliage. He was dressed in blue robes and a royal, purple cloak. Under his hood, his face was pale and gaunt, but was adorned with a somewhat well-kempt red beard and moustache. He raised his staff slightly to call everyone's attention. "Behold the majesty of the great Felatore Dankstoph, the greatest and most handsome member of the legendary Dankstoph family!

Rogers tilted his head, slightly confused. "Oi, y'mean that family that's been gone since forever?" Felatore seemed slightly defeated by this.

"We...were legendary." Felatore replied. "Until He Who Drowns brought down the Flood and destroyed our home!" He ranted, raising his fist in air with rage.

"And I think I met another bloke like you." He pointed at Felatore. "Said his name was 'Boom Wizard' or somethin'. Crazy little dwarf with a hat like this." He formed a triangle over his head with his hands. "Gave me speed serum to give to some guy when I met 'em back in Arbuckle Town."

"That's just my cousin, Greg." Felatore sneered, and he rolled his eyes as he spoke his name. "He thinks he's all hot stuff when he's not! Not only is his name 'Dhankshtuph' and not 'Dankstoph', his scruffy carpet of a beard is nowhere near as magnificent as mine!" He proudly stroked his beard and twisted his moustache. "Therefore, it is my task and mine alone to restore the Dankstoph family's good name!"

"By accomplishing what?" Dawn asked, incredulously. Felatore's grin showed through his bushy red moustache.

"Why, becoming the most powerful man in the universe, of course!" He flexed one, gangly arm. "My body may need more muscle mass, but my magical prowess is incomparable!"

"Right, right." Rogers said, rushing the conversation forward to more important topics. "So now that you got all that outta the way, can ye find us some food?"

"Nyahahaha! I'd love to!" Felatore cackled. "In fact, I have an entire stockpile of food just a little ways up this path!" He pointed down the path through the forest. "However, only I know how to disable the trap that I had originally set for you to walk in." He put his hands together, as if the gears in his head were concocting an evil plan. "So, I shall give the four of you a challenge!"

"You cannot be serious!" Dawn yelled and clenched her fists. "The four of us combined could simply kill you and take all of the food ourselves."

"No can do, young lady!" Felatore shook his head and wagged his finger at Dawn. "For you see..." He looked up to the treetops and whistled to someone above him.

Then, a figure cloaked in a ghastly white cloak jumped down from above and almost silently landed on her two feet. The person turned around to reveal themselves to be a female dark elf (or Drow, as they were normally called). Under her cloak, she wore a white gi with grey trimming and black, metal boots. Her face was like a shadow with two, piercing blue lights that could stare into one's soul. She stood quietly and menacingly, with her hood up and her cloak held tight against herself.

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