"You have a zit right there." Some dumb kid says and I'm pretty sure that's a musical reference.

We are dismissed and I run up to Madi and toss and arm around him.

"Heyo, kid."

"Hey Thomas. What's up?"

I adjust my tie, leaning on the short man while laughing. "I have to do this stupid writing thing for my Creative writing class."

"Oh. That sounds fun."

"It is...but the thing is, we have to write what we know about love or write a story about someone figuring out what love is."

He stops walking and looks up at me confused. "So?"

"Soo...I thought, why not ask Jemmy James because he's the expert at love." I lean on him like a drunk man.

James rolls his eyes, looking away from me. "It's not Jemmy. It's Jamie. And you say that, why?" (The history of James' name will be revealed in a later chapter.)

I place my hand on my forehead as if I was fainting. "Oh my dear James- only you could make the coolest bad boy fall for you back in junior high...."

He turns red and I gasp. "But of course, you had been in past relationships and has magically hooked me down on your never-ending ride of unicorns and rainbows, you do also know how love works. Don't you...?"

I hate seducing people but sometimes it's the only way to get what I want.

And I usually get what I want.
Jemmy James- 3
Spoiled bastard- 90000

"You flirt so much I can't understand why you're not already writing that paper." James muttered, pushing me slightly and kept walking.

"Love isn't flirting."

"Good stuff man. Write that down!"

"Har har!" I yell as he walks away.

This might be harder than I thought it'd be.


"Love is happiness and smiles..." I think out loud as I type on my laptop in the living room.

"Happiness and smiles? What is this, Dora the Explorer versus My Little Pony?" Hamilton laughs as he walks out his room to the kitchen.

"Like you can do better. The only love you know is from your microwavable cups of noodles."

"I'll have you know that I've been in love plenty of times." He says, getting a cup and pouring himself some of Burr's coffee.

"With what? Your hands?"

"Jefferson, now is not the time to be making masturbation jokes or arguing. I have to get this paper done and I don't need your shit right now."

"Hey, don't forget you walked in on me brainstorming. You can always go back into hibernation like the animal you are."

"Says the one with the lion's mane."

"Bite me, Hamilton!"

"Name a time and place, Jefferson!"

I throw my laptop next to me and hop up, ready to knock this ignorant bastard out.


(See wat I did der (͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )

Burr pulled us apart just as Hamilton got me in the face but I hit his retarded ass in the stomach.

"What the hell!? Why do you guys always fight!?" Burr scolded as Hamilton fell to the floor trying to catch his breath.

"Hamilton started it.."

"S-stop lying.." Hamilton coughed. And he kept coughing.

"Thomas clean yourself up."

"What? Why?"

"Your nose. You're bleeding a lot."

I look at Aaron with a confused look until I actually reach up to touch my nose. "Oh shit.."

Hamilton looks up and then I see what pain I inflicted on him. He's still breathing hard, coughing also. I felt a tinge in my stomach as I watch him suffer to catch his breath. He looks more concerned for me than he does himself though. I mean, he looked like a kicked puppy.
I averted my eyes from him and rush to the bathroom to clean myself up. Damn he can punch.

I inspect my nose and struggle to stop the bleeding until Burr walks in.

"Alexander told me to help you."

"What? Why?"

"I dunno. But he looked pretty worried." He smirked.


Seeing Jefferson just standing there in shock as blood trickles down his chin on to his shirt put me in shock.

We stared at each other. He looked like a kicked puppy.

And when he finally noticed his nose was bleeding, he rushed into the bathroom. He's so stupid.
I knew I could punch but damn, I think I broke his nose. I hope not. "Burr go help him."

"What about you?"

"I'm fine. Just go help him."

Aaron looked confused but then his lips formed into a grin. "Okay." He said and walked into the bathroom to help the asshole that punched me.

I felt like Burr knew something I didn't.

I am finally able to catch my breath as I pull myself on to the couch in the living room. "Hot damn.." I mutter.

"Jefferson I think you knocked my lungs into my gosh dang throat!" I yell more as a joke then a complaint.

"At least your nose isn't looking like Niagara falls on its period!" he shoots back with a laugh.

His laugh was...weird. Not weird as in weird weird, but weird as in I kinda want to hear it again. Like a sweet symphony that just punched me in the stomach. But I liked it. Sighing to myself, I stand up and go into my room, opening my laptop and scan the words on the screen.

Love is the feeling of being cared for..

That's all I had so far.

I know that love is happiness and...what is love? (Baby don't hurt me- no Alex) I mean, I've been in love before so I don't understand how it's hard to complete a paragraph about it.

When I was with Eliza, I felt happy and meaningful. Like I belonged somewhere. I felt cared for. Love is the feeling of being cared for by someone who makes you happy..

I typed. This is going to be way harder than I originally thought.

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