The Hacker- You need me and I need your macbook

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O632-L:Who the hell are you?

G: A friend, Lissa, your friend.

O632-L: You know my name.. 

G: I know everything,darling. But now, seriously  you need me and I need your macbook.

O632-L: My parents taught me not to talk with the strangers.

G: Intelligent. I heard about you.

O632-L: I don't give autographs, darling.

G: You'll need me. Maybe not today but you'll come.

O632-L: Drama Queen.

G disconnected.


B100S- A:  Lissa are you ok?

O632-L: Yeah.

B100S-A: Who were you talking to? 

O632-L: You know..Dispatch.Boring stuff. But I'm ok, Adrian.

B100S-A: Now. The bad news. That person,our new enemy, wasn't trying to enter in the database he/she talked with someone,but I don't know who and I don't know why.

O632-L: No idea. 

B100S-A: BTW yor macbook is done.

O632-L: Thanks God.But I'm thinking...

B100S-A: What?

O632-L: What can really do... the macbook?

B100S-A: Many things, it's hard to say. But why?

O632-L: I wanted to know if one of our enemies ...

B100S-A: Yeah we can be fucked. But don't worry, this is my duty.

O632-L: Yeah. I think I'll leave earlier.

B100S-A: But it's only 7 p.m. You leave earlier?!

O632-L: You slept yesterday night, right?

 B100S-A: Yea.

O632-L: Then shout up.

B100S-A: Ok. Good-night. See you tomorrow.

O632-L: Bye.

I tried to sleep,but I couldn't. I was asking myself things about G. Who was G?, Why did she want the macbook?, How could she help me? and why..She knew many things. I could trust her but I don't want to betray Adrian.

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