Stumbling & Nervousness

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The brunette glanced around as she made her way through the crowded airport. She was trying to spot some familiar but still odd hair. She still had yet to figure out how Yugi Mutou's hair was naturally three different colors and could defy gravity on a daily basis, even when said hair is wet. Yes it was true that his hair was odd but it was one of the many things that made Yugi Mutou unique. His eyes were also very unique since they were a amethyst in color and just sparkled all the time. Anzu's cheeks were now a little red from a blush she had. She was a embarrassed from thinking about Yugi's features. She quickly shook her head to try and push her thoughts away and try to rid herself of the embarrassment she currently felt. She then went back to her earlier task of looking from the very man she had been blushing like a little schoolgirl about.

Suddenly a flash of blonde, black and purple caught her attention. He was directly in front of her, well a few feet but still he was there. She couldn't stop the smile that made it's way onto her lips and she made her way over to the male, not realizing that she had actually sped up her walking so that she could get to him quicker. And then it happened. His eyes found her and a beaming smile quickly appeared on his face and Anzu stumbled. She literally stumbled from his brightness and just him. Now he had always had an ability to look at her and make her feel calm but this time when he looked at her she felt nervous. That was something that had never happened to her before.

He had seen her stumble so he had quickly closed the distance between the two of them and Anzu could see the worry on his face. He was worried about her. "Are you alright?" He asked her and Anzu was a little shocked by the fact that his voice was a little deeper than it had been when she last saw him in person. Sure they talked on the phone but his voice never sounded like that on the phone.

She realized that she still hadn't replied to him and that she was just staring at him and making an idiot of herself. She quickly nodded her head, her longer brown hair bobbing along. "Y-Yes! I'm fine." Did she just squeak and stutter? What was wrong with her?

Yugi was still watching her with a worried expression still on his face. She wished he would smile at her again but at the same time she was scared that if he did that she might lose her balance and fall all over the place. "Are you sure? You stumbled a few moments ago and just now you squeaked and stuttered...Do you have jetlag?"

He thought that all of that was because of jetlag? Oh Yugi. That was something about him that would never change and she kind of found it a little funny. She let out a small giggle and shook her head. "Ah. No..No jetlag..Just..." She trailed off and bit her lip.

"Just...?" He was staring at her with a confused expression on his face now and she gave him a nervous smile. She just had to put that just in there.

"Hungry! Just hungry!" Well it wasn't exactly a lie. She was a bit hungry too. Anzu really wanted to slap herself right now though.

He chuckled and Anzu just stared at him. She liked the sound of this chuckle. She wanted to make him do it again. She let out a small giggle herself.

"I bet you are. Let's go get a taxi and get some food, yes?" There was that beaming smile again that made some of her nervousness return. Her next actions would prove that she wasn't too nervous though.

"Yes..But first..." She let go of her bag and just threw herself at him and she knew he wasn't prepared to catch her and yet he still did. He had caught her when she had just hug attacked him. She had heard him let out a small 'oof' when he caught but she didn't focus on that, she just focused on hugging him and she grinned happily when he hugged her back. As she hugged him it dawned on her that he was a little taller than her now too. His hair didn't count in this height comparison of course but he even without counting his hair in he was still taller, only by a few inches but still he was the taller one of the two now. Yugi had went and grown up on her.

"You surprised me there." She heard his muffled voice come from out of her hair. He had apparently buried his face in her hair as he hugged her. She didn't realize he was hiding his face in her hair because his whole face was bright red and he didn't want anyone to see just how embarrassed he was. "Did you miss me or something?"

She could tell he was teasing her and being a little serious at the same time. She nodded her head slowly and then started to pull back some so that she could look at his face and when she saw how red his face was she smiled and reached up to poke at one of his red cheeks. "I did. I really did."

"We just talked on the phone last night..." He mumbled, a small grin on his lips. Since when did Yugi Mutou grin?

"Yeah but I haven't seen you in person in a while so it's different..." She was now the one that was blushing and he was now the one poking her red cheek.

"I get it. I was kidding. I understand that feeling completely. I missed you too, Anzu. So much." He was blushing once again. Actually had he even stopped blushing from before? She wasn't too sure but she was sure that she was blushing even more now.

"I...Really? You have? How much?" She was now teasing him and she knew that he knew that. He chuckled, though she could see he was still embarrassed. "A w-whole lot..." She gave him a bright smile at his words and didn't push any further. He was already embarrassed enough.

"Hate to break up you two love birds but m'starving and I'm sure everyone else is too. Let's go to burger world." She knew exactly who that was without even looking at him. Jounouchi. She sighed and Yugi glanced over at Jounouchi and Jounouchi laughed out loud when he saw just how red Yugi's face was. Anzu's eyes narrowed and she made her way over to the blonde and pinched his ear. "Don't laugh at him!"

"Ow ow ow! Sorry mom! Let go of my ear...!" Anzu rolled her eyes and released the blonde man child's ear and then looked back to where Yugi was...Er...Had been. He was now beside her and had even gotten her rolling bag for her. How sweet of him.

"Jou is right though. I'm starving and you're starving too so let's go get some food." Anzu smiled at Yugi's words and nodded her head and then reached out to grab her bag from him but as she went to do so Yugi shook his head and smiled. "I got it."

"Oh..Thank you then. See here, Jounouchi? This is a gentleman. Learn a few things from him." Anzu was only teasing and she giggled when she saw Jounouchi's pout. The three then made their way out of the airport, chitchatting about things that had happened since they had last seen each other in person and talking about how Honda and Bakura were going to meet them at Burger World.

Anzu looked over at Yugi as Jounouchi blabbed on about how excited he was to try Burger Worlds new Monster Burger and Yugi looked over at Anzu at that same moment. They both smiled at each other before looking forward again and laughed when Jounouchi tripped over his shoelace.


( Jounouchi ruined the moment lol. XD I hope everyone liked this One-shot/drabble! Feel free to leave a review just don't be mean pls D: ) 

Peachshipping (Yugi x Anzu) DrabblesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum