“Ha, you’re funny,” I shot back.

“Thank you, I try,” she said, bowing.

 “Right,” I replied as she mock-frowned at me and waved goodbye as she walked in her advisory. I walked to my room in silence, thinking about the little conversation with Thea.


It was the next Wednesday, bringing out first full week of school to a close. I was in Culinary Arts, my favorite class so far. We were making a cake that day, our first real project. Everyone had split into groups of three, except for my friend Bianca and me. There were an odd number of people, so we got to work in a pair. With our ingredients neatly lined up on the counter, we were about to start when Ms. Riles, my teacher, called my name.

“Yes?” I said, turning to face her.

“You and Bianca need a third member, correct?” I nodded in response. “Perfect, Jared can join you two. He just transferred in and needs a group.”

I could already feel my cheeks heating up. I looked up to Bianca to see her smirking at me. Thea must’ve filled her in on my little crush. Jared walked over and looked at the two of us.

“Hey, Bianca, Celia. How are you guys?”

“Fine,” Bianca answered.

“Good,” I said as he turned to me for a reply.

“Cool. Should we start?” he asked. We nodded and started mixing the ingredients.

“Okay, now we add in the water,” Bianca instructed, reading the recipe. Jared grabbed the measured-out water and was bringing it over to me when his foot caught on something and he stumbled forward, allowing the whole container of water to splash over me. I had closed my eyes on instinct, and cautiously opened them, blinking.

“I’m really sorry, Celia. I didn’t mean to,” Jared apologized.

“No, it’s… fine,” I tried to reassure him while examining the damage. My shorts were relatively unscathed, a few drops of water here and there, but not too bad. My shirt, however, was completely soaked, turning the previously light blue fabric into a sopping mess. My neck got hit with a few drops, but my face felt dry.

“Oh my, Celia, are you alright?” Ms. Riles asked as she saw what happened.

“I’m fine. I just need to wipe this off,” I said as I wiped my hands on my shorts.

“Of course, why don’t you go to the bathroom and get that sorted out?”

“Okay, I’ll be back in a few minutes, guys,” I said as I turned to leave.

“Wait, Celia, let me come help. It was my fault,” Jared said.

“No, it’s fine. It’s just a little water,” I answered, even as I was looking down at my shirt in slight dismay. The wet fabric would be uncomfortable the rest of the day.

“No, really. I even think I might have an extra shirt you could borrow, if you wanted,” he offered again, looking earnest.

“Okay, thanks,” I said, giving in. Not that it took much persuasion. We walked out of the room and down the hall to the bathroom.

“Celia, I really am sorry,” Jared said again.

“Jared, it’s fine. It’s just some water. Nothing that can’t be wiped off. I just hate that I’ll have to wear this shirt for the rest of the day,” I added, mostly to myself.

“I can go see if I do have an extra shirt, if you want,” Jared said. I glanced down at my soaked shirt and deliberated quickly. On one hand, no wet shirt for the rest of the day. On the other hand, wearing Jared’s shirt would be a little awkward. But I could hear Thea telling me to take the opportunity, that we’d have to talk again so I could give him his shirt back.

With a Splash and a NoteWhere stories live. Discover now