chapter 17-- he did what?

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A/N: Basically im so sorry i havent updated even though i promised i would, i have been so busy. i went to france and belguim to visit the battle fields, my great grandma died and i have been going to football a lot so sorry. But on saturday Im seeing my boys in Brighton Woooooooooo THE WANTED.

OMG so bsically my school have this thing that the year 7, 8s, and 9s do for like the first week in july while the year 10s do work experiance. we call it enrichement week. anyway as im in year 9 and this will be my last year beofre work expireance so my year group are going to disney land paris for 4 days, 2 days at the resort and 2 days sightseeing in paris. im so fricking excited. there were 100 places and most of my friends are going. im so excited omg omg omg omg omg. and its my birthday 5 days after i come back. we leave june 30th and come back july 5th. wooooooooooooooooooooooo

Im a bit upset i have only had 6 reads on the last chapter but i hope you enjoy, sorry its so lame.

Sivas P.O.V

I woke up the next morning and went downstairs. I looked at the time and soon enough realised that it 1pm. I walked into the kitchen to find Max, Jay, Tom, big Kev and Nathan all sat around the island. As I walked in I got completely blanked no one looked at me or said morning. As I sat down with them Nathan looked away in disgust. What was his problem?

“What’s up with everyone why you all ignoring me?” I questioned.

“How could you do it seev, to your own girlfriend and one of your best friends” tom spat at me.

“what have I done I’m confused” I said puzzled.

“You kissed Natasha but Nathan and Hayley saw you” jay said.

I sat there in shock how could I do such a thing and that’s when the memories of last night came flooding back.


“seeeevvvvv I’ve got Nathan a drink but I can’t find him do you want it” Natasha’s annoying voice screeched.

“Yeah why not” I said downing it as fast as I could.

The next thing I knew I was doing shots on the pool table with Natasha and some other people. Shots by LMFAO was on and we were getting as pissed as we could.

“Come out side with me cheekbones” Natasha said pulling me along.

We reached the patio ledge and began talking.

“Kiss me” she slurred.

Then we began to kiss.

“Natasha you slag why are you kissing my boyfriend” Hayley said. I turned around to face her shocked. But I was drunk so she would forgive me right?

“And Siva what are you doing kissing my girlfriend” Nathan said.

 But if that wasn’t bad enough Natasha found a glass of wine and chucked it over Hayley

“Don’t take this personally but were breaking up with you both”  Hayley said before walking off with Nathan.

-end of flashback-

I shook my head trying to get those thoughts out of my mind.

“Where is she” I asked angrily

“Don’t know why you’re so angry mate and who Natasha or Hayley” jay said

“Hayley” I said bitterly

“kels is with her in her room” tom said

I walked upstairs deep in thought.

I knocked on her door and entered the room. But Kelsey wasn’t there. Maybe she was in the bathroom.

I saw her sitting on the bed in what I think was one of Nathans t-shirts, her eyes were red and blotchy from crying, her make up smudged and her hair a mess.

“Siva get out” she said in almost a whisper.

I kept walking towards her. I just wanted to hug her and tell how sorry I was. I reached her and put my arms around her trying to embrace her into a hug but she kept hitting me.

Hayleys P.O.V

“SIVA GET OFF ME” I screamed into his chest whilst hitting him as hard as I could so he would stop hugging me.

I heard footsteps come running up the stairs. The door flung open to reveal an angry looking Nathan, Jay, Tom, max and Kelsey.  Siva stepped back immediately realising what he was doing was wrong.

Nathan sat on the bed and pulled me into his arms.

“Did he do anything to you” Nathan asked me sounding very angry. I could see his fist clentched and ready like he was about to punch something or someone.

“You think I would try something on her, she nothing but a fat slut. Look at her  im surprised she is still aloud to model, being that big and don’t even get me started on how slutty she is, look at how she dresses and all that make up its just disgusting” he spat.

Tears violently ran down my cheeks.

Max and tom grabbed Siva and pulled him outside into the hall. I couldn’t hear what they were shouting about but I knew it was about me.

I eventually persuaded Nathan, jay and kels that I was okay and they left me. The shouting was stopped but lots of doors were being slammed. This was my entire fault if I hadn’t moved in with them I would not be in this situation and me and Siva would still be friends.

I pulled myself together and stopped crying then went and had a long shower.  When I got out I plugged my iphone into the speakers then pressed play. Weightless by All Time Low came on.  I sang along not caring how loud I was being. 

“Maybe it’s not my weekend but it’s goanna be my year” I sang whilst curling my now dry hair.

Once my hair was dry I brushed it then got out my curlers. The song had changed to the killers Mr. Brightside.

I sang along whilst curling my hair. Once I was satisfied with my hair I changed into my blue light wash skinny jeans, three-quarter length navy top and grey sneakers. I applied light foundation some eyeliner and mascara and some peachy lipstick. 

I grabbed my bag then went downstairs. I found the keys to one of the cars then left. I started the engine not really knowing where I was going or what I was going to do. I was on my way to the mall when I was called into work.

I was rushed into hair and makeup when I arrived. I had black eye shadow with a lot of eye liner on, false eyelashes, a dark red lipstick and cream to moisturise and cover a few spots. My hair was curled again then my fringe straightened and pinned over the back of my hair. 

I walked into the changing and I was modelling a few dresses from some expensive French company. The first dress I was given was a short strapless navy blue dress with a blazer. I tried to put the dress on but it wouldn’t go over my waist, they were all size 6 my normal size but I couldn’t fit into it. Siva calling me a ‘fat slut’ was all I could think about.

I walked out of the changing room in a robe.

“Hayley my dear why aren’t you dressed” my stylist Carson asked.

“The dress doesn’t fit” I whispered

“I don’t know what you’re going to do hunny, you’re going to have to tell them”

“Your right, I will tell them”

I walked over to the owner of my manager and told her.

“You have to be a size 6 to model with us sorry but you’re fired, you will have your last pay check by next week”

I ran to the changing room and got changed back into my cloths, gave Carson the biggest hug then left. I got in the car then broke into pieces; I had lost my job and my best friend all in one day. I started the engine and began to drive. 

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