What's Your Name?

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Phil's POV

I go out to get the mail and see my new neighbour, banging his head against the delivery truck? Eventually he falls to the ground. I rush over to him. He's got a scratch on his head.
"Sir, Sir? What's your name?" I ask him. He moans in pain and I realise I'm straddling him. My face turns bright red and I get off him. He's still breathing. His eyes flicker open for a second, then they close.
"What's your name?" I ask again. "Dan. Dan Howell." He says. I take out my phone and dial 911. It's not like he's dieing, but he might have a concussion. "Hello, 911, yes um, I'm here with a man, he banged his head on a truck and he might have a really bad concussion. I'm a little concerned. I'm on.... Elmers  street, the address is 516. Thank you." I say and hang up. The hospital's about 15 miles away, so it'll take them about ten minutes to get here.
"Are you related to him?" A doctor asks. I think for a minute. " I'm his brother." I lie. I get into the ambulance with him and watch him. "Sir, what's your name?" Someone asks. He ignores them and doesn't answer. They ask him again, then they ask him five more times he never answers, finally they give up.
We arrive at the hospital and he's rushed inside. I follow them, we go into a room where they put him on a scanner.
"Hey! You can't be in here!" One of the doctors shout at me when they notice me in the corner. I make a quick exit, and leave. Doctors shower me with words, telling me to leave, and I don't belong here, and that I need to get the hell out. I do as they say, and go down to the waiting room and wait, and wait. Ugg. How long will the doctors take?
"Daniel Howell?" A doctor asks. " I raise my hand and get up. I follow the doctor into one of the rooms, and see Dan. His skin is pale, paler than before, and he has bandages wrapped all around his head. He looks terrible. But I've never seen anyone that's had to hospitalized before. 
"Dan?" I ask him. He opens his eyes and moans. He has a bunch of blankets, they're all very thicc. The doctor leaves the room and I sit down on the bed, careful not to shake him. "Um, mystery man, I only have a concussion. And you never told me your name. What's your name?" He says. "I'm Phil Lester." I say. He looks at me like I'm insane. "Wait the Phil Lester, as in AmazingPhil?" He asks. Wow. I didn't think anyone liked or watched my channel. "Yea, why do you care so much? My channel is trash." I say. Oh shoot! I need to make a video for my channel!
"We have the test results." A doctor says. I didn't even know he came in. "He has a minor concussion. The scratch on his head was a little infected, he'll be released later today." He says again and leaves. Well that was awkward. "Do you have any family that lives close by?" I ask. He shakes his head. This is going to be weird if I have to take care of him. "My family is......" He doesn't finish his sentence and looks down to at ground. What happened to him?

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