I Don't Love You Like I Did Yesterday

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Patrick Stumph.

A 16 year old masterpiece that you had been in love with since you laid eyes on him 2 years ago.

Your heart hurt knowing that you had tried and tried. But he just would never feel the same.

It was a known fact that he liked you when he first had laid eyes on you.

Maybe you just weren't fast enough. And maybe you were a bit too immature at the time.

Sure, it hurt. It hurt like a son of a bitch.

It was April when you had saw him for the first time. His haircut was awful but so was yours. You initially thought his eyes were green. He was so pleasantly chubby and adorable.

But things were slightly different now.

You had found his eyes to be blue. And he had gotten sideburns. He had slimmed down a bit and now had glasses.

But you still loved him.

And the way he was so passionate about music.

After a painful note confessing your love for him and a few embarrassing incidents, it was clear he did not feel the same as you anymore.

Too many 11:11 wishes.

Too many late night thinking sessions.

And too many tears.

Were spent on Patrick Martin Vaughn Stump who is now 33 and married with 2 children.

and you're in an apartment building wishing your date wouldn't have gone so shitty.

A/N: Me making references to a boy who will never like me holy fuck I'm hopeless

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