Prologue: Tyler is an idiot

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Tyler wasn't an idiot.

To say the least. He knew exactly what he was doing. He really did. However, there were so many occasions in which he could have said what he wanted to say, right then and there, but he was too much of a coward or chicken to say it.

Well until now that is.

It's not like it took him twenty one years, four months, 3 weeks and two days to figure that out. I mean seriously who was counting? Definitely Tyler. It took him this long to realize it and say it; it was now or never. In all honesty, it took Tyler really two very stressful days contemplating with himself to actually come up with his realization. He just needed a place and time to say it.


Yeah, dinner was a great idea for Tyler. In fact he was having dinner today with all his closest friends and family. It'd be perfect, everyone will be there. It'd be perfect timing.


Tyler knew there were going to be consequences that came with his words. He knew that and yet he was committed to keep going and not backing down.

Here's the biggest consequence, he already had a girlfriend for several years now. Jenna Black, a beautiful, blond, blue eyed girl from Ohio. They met back in Ohio where Tyler grew up as a child. They started dating during their junior year of high school and were inseparable since then. He loved her with all his heart, but something changed in him and made him question, was he really in love with her?

He didn't even realize that he was at the restaurant already greeting all his friends and his parent until Jenna snapped him back to reality. "C'mon Tyler let's sit next to your parents." Tyler instantly became nervous when he sat down after greeting everyone and saw that Josh was sitting right in front of him. Josh didn't realize Tyler was there because he was too busy laughing at a joke Abby had just told. Look at those crinkles he gets when he laughs, how handsome it makes him look, Tyler thought. Snap out of it Joseph!

Like he thought earlier, there were going to be consequences to be given after what he's about to do. He's taking his chance.

Except, he didn't know how to start it off. Uh hey great dinner we're having but I'm in love with Josh? Or Jenna I'm sorry but I don't love you I'm in love with Josh?

Before he even knew it, he stood up from his chair quickly. This motion made everyone look at him confused. Jenna took his hand, face confused "what is it Tyler, you okay?" He shook his head. Now or never.

"I'm in love with Josh."

Silence. Everything stopped so suddenly. He looked around the room to see everyone shocked. He felt Jenna stand up next to him, "excuse me" she muttered quietly before storming out the restaurant. Tyler didn't know what to say so he turned to Josh. He was waiting for an answer, something in the lines of oh Tyler! You finally figured it out! I love you too! but instead, all he got from Josh was him shaking his head disapprovingly, getting up and excusing himself before leaving. Tyler sat back down, putting his head down. He waited for someone to say something, to yell at him or even storm off. Something. But all he got was complete and utter silence.

So maybe Tyler was an idiot.

A/N: Hello lovelies! This is my first tøp fanfic! I hope you all enjoy for what's in store! Stay safe and stay alive. |-/

Tyler is an Idiot, but so is JoshKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat