[Chapter Two]

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Rythian's POV:

30 minutes later;

I stalked out of the wood, trying not to step on any dry leaves or twigs. I had my trusty bow in one hand, and my flying ring on the other. As soon as I stepped into a sunlit patch of grass, I activated my ring and flew toward the sky for about 10 seconds, before stopping. Ah, nothing like a good morning hunt. Glancing over to my right, I saw a herd of cows, munching away happily at the grass. Their happy-go-lucky spirit made me feel... Uncomfortable, to say the least. Well, not for long. I notched an arrow in my bow, and aimed right at the cow.

About to take my shot, I saw that my hand was trembling, so I cleared my mind for thirty seconds and lowered my bow while I did so, pointing it at the ground in fear of scaring the cows away. I then took a deep breath, and lifted my bow back to eye level, drew back the arrow, and... Something whizzed by me, burning me as it did so.

I dropped my bow, cursed, and inspected the large red, ugly mark on my arm. God, it stung. I cursed again under my breath before slowly descending to the ground, with great caution. I picked up my bow, then saw the arrow lying near it... and my mind raced back to the cows. I glanced over at where they previously were, now seeing a charred patch of grass, with a small fire next to it. Alarmed, and uncertain, and puzzled about what flew by me, I turned and headed back to Blackrock. I guess... Finding out can wait. I need to tell Zoey about this.

Zoey's POV:

I was just arranging the vase of flowers by our bed when I heard the front door open, slamming against the wall behind it. I slowly rose from my kneeling position and walked over to the bedroom door, placing my head against it. Ragged breathing was coming from the other side, and it disconcerted me. I started to tremble, and backed up against the wall behind the door. Footsteps were coming closer, I could hear them.


It sent shivers through my body.


I looked around frantically for somewhere to hide. Nowhere.


I looked for escape. Nothing.


A faint crackling could be heard now, almost like... a burning flame. I whimpered...


Rythian burst through the door, frying pan in hand. He grabbed my arm with his free hand, handing me a flying ring as he did so. Then two words came out of his mouth. He said them quickly... almost as if he was scared... Rythian was never scared, and it only made me fear whatever I had heard more. "Go pack." I nodded, and turned, until he pushed past me and I heard something being dragged down the hall. Poking my head round the doorway, I saw a foot round the corner... then it was gone. Hm. Strange.

I went and grabbed a suitcase, and threw some clothing, food, and supplies inside. Curiousness could wait.

Breaking the walls: A Zoethian FanficWhere stories live. Discover now