1.1 ~ The Society

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The stars aren't what they used to be.

What was once a glimmer of light within an infinite ocean of darkness and otherwise a symbol of hope and prosperity, now is perceived as deadly, unpredictable even, and is feared by all who see them.

Now it seems that even the stars have turned against us, serving as a constant reminder of the impending dangers that we now face from up above.

It has many names but everyone knows it as The Space War, the biggest in human history lasting for generations, neither side showing weakness, yet both sides sacrificing millions.

After the first invasion and devastation of our planet marked the beginning of a new era.

Gone are the days of peace, democracy, and government.

From the ashes rose a new power and thus gave rise to the establishment of The Society, uniting and maintaining order throughout all the lands ever since.

Everyone has a purpose and must contribute and participate in some way to protect our world from falling into the hands of the enemy.

So they stamp numbers into our wrists, marking each child at birth.

Everyone is checked and accounted for.

It's impossible to leave, they are always watching. I've seen people get dragged away, thrown into transporter ships, and never seen again.

And at the end of the day, I often find myself wondering who the real enemy is.

It was on this day, exactly one year ago that I had first received the news.

As I shuffle down the dark and forsaken aisle, the haunting thought of remembrance strikes my mind like a swift blow to the back of the head.

The decadent design and colossal walls tower above me, spiraling into a swirl of color and light where vines, weeds, and moss had already claimed residence in what was once the house of God; only to be fallen into the rough, unforgiving hands of nature once again.

As I sympathize with this vicinity, I come to the haunting realization that I have been alone, surrounded by darkness and whatever lurks within the shadows.

I can almost hear the ringing of bells, the hymns of happiness and joy. I can almost see the rows of merry families dressed in bright formal attire. I can almost feel the love and warmth.

But time has not been kind to this once special place.

In my gaze upon these ruins, I again reminisce about my long lost brother.

On this day, I had discovered the painful truth about death, taking the last person on this planet to share my blood.

Ever since then I've learned to fend for myself.

He didn't deserve to die. The Society held another drawing; he was dead the moment his name was called to battle. His death was inevitable; he knew it and I knew it.

They don't know how to honour him. Except as a soldier. But to me, he will always be remembered as a brother.

However, after the occurrences of yesterday I am once again left in doubt and confusion.

In my grief I stop for a moment to sort the feelings and emotions escalating rapidly though my mind, taking a moment to reconsider every possibility, every incident, and were it all went wrong.

I was volunteering at the hospital.

I squeeze my eyes shut at the painful remembrance of the wounded soldier I had attended. He was only a boy, no older than I.

His last words will forever haunt my mind, "They're coming."

In that instant my ears filled with a deafening sound of an alarm as sirens roared in the distance.

"Warning. Possible intergalactic extra-terrestrial threat detected. This is not a drill," the animatronic voice over the intercom spoke, "I repeat: this is not a drill. This is the Apocalypse. Please exit the hospital in an orderly fashion."

With fear of a second invasion quickly escalated into worldwide panic. Soon the day fell into nothing but chaos and confusion.

I painfully remember that deafening feeling of petrifying fear as I reached outside and gazed as large projectiles rained down from the sky and plummeted down onto earth.

I couldn't move; I couldn't breathe. I was paralyzed from the waist down. All I could do was watch in horror.

Explosions and screams erupted from all around, right before my very eyes as a foreign object became clear through the smoke amongst the destruction.

Curiosity corrupted my better judgement as I began to posses feeling in my legs.

I jumped as the latch swung open, revealing what was inside.

It was weak, but it was alive, glaring at me with a fiery anger with the infinite darkness of its eyes.

The thing rose its blaster, it's last dying wish to kill one last time, yet it failed to pull the trigger as it drew its last breath and shriveled up into a lifeless mass.

My heart was beating out of my chest.

It was then that something gleamed within the cockpit: a necklace.

After this thought I find myself on my knees in front of an old, broken cross inside the desolate church, the same necklace now dangling around my neck

It wasn't just any necklace, it had been my own that I had given to my brother on the day they took him away.

After I rise to my feet, I know what must be done.

After thinking long and hard, it was decided. Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in my life, the beginning of my crusade to find my brother, and the real truth behind his disappearance.

However, a voice inside my mind cries, "You can't win this. It's suicide."

Maybe. But now that there's hope of my brother's existence, nothing can stop me from finding out the truth.

As I sneak onto the transporter ship, I gaze at my home planet one last time, knowing full well that I'll never be seen again as the large heavy doors come to a close.

As I sneak onto the transporter ship, I gaze at my home planet one last time, knowing full well that I'll never be seen again as the large heavy doors come to a close

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