"Yeah. Yeah, I remember you telling me. Your birthday right?" I nodded before smiling. Regardless of Jacob I was determined to enjoy it. Pregnant or not.

"Yes sir. Thirty and proud." I smiled watching him do the same. I placed the last bag inside.

"Oh word? Catching up to me huh? But thirty has nothing on you...at all." I felt my cheeks burn. "But would you mind if I came?" he asked arching a brow. I shook my head, not sure of if I was coming off too clingy.

"I don't mind at all. I'm sure it'll be fun. But you don't have a ticket."

"Its fine. I can call my boy up. We don't even have to go to the airport. I'll handle it." I smirked leaning against my car watching Mario go to take the call. He was so sweet it made no sense at all. I walked back into the house and grabbed Jade. Locking up, Mario placed her inside and I allowed him to drive us to wherever we needed to go.

Before I knew it, we were on a private jet. I sat back in the comfortable seats and reclined back. Making a post to Instagram I couldn't help but to read the few comments about Jacob and I. We weren't together anymore. I had to face that as well as his fans. But when you hold on for so long, you can't help but hope for things to turn around.

"So where you going for your big day?" Mario asked sitting across from me. I shrugged and smiled thinking about it.

"Not really sure. I remember going to the club all the time, but I want to be surrounded by my kids and family and friends."

"Thats wassup. Besides, don't no club want a pregnant supermodel up in there." I felt my mouth gape open and I hit a laughing Mario.

"Shut the hell up!" I laughed covering my babies ears. He held his hands up.

"Alright, alright. But I guess we'll just see when we get there then. You got a hotel and all that? Or you staying with Jacob?" I cringed thinking about him having Lindsay there with him. I admit that she was beautiful, but I was hurt.

"I think a hotel will be fine." I looked out of the window as we prepared for take off. Throughout the whole flight Mario and I were goofing around, and I felt happy to know regardless of the things occurring in my life someone was there by my side no matter what.

It was around five o'clock. Our jet landed at the runway not too far off from the actual airport. We all exited and made our way to a rental that was waiting for us. I smiled before dipping in with Jade fast asleep in my arms.

"Alright, so I got us a suite at Embassy Suites. That cool?" I nodded my head and watched the view of the city I knew so well. It felt good to be back. I wanted to see a lot of people, my parents included.

"Thats great. Mind if we make a few stops though?" he shook his head no and I told him where to. As much as I wanted to see Jacob right now, I thought we could just build up to that.

"Oh is this your parent's place?" I nodded and he helped me to get out of the car. We walked up to the door where my mom answered.

"Hey mama, how are you?" I kissed her cheek and she pecked Jade as we walked in. She smiled lightly and led us to the living room. "Mom this is my friend Mario. Mario this is my mother."

"Hello, baby you wouldn't happen to be the singer..." he laughed and nodded his head.

"I am. Its nice to meet you though." I watched them shake hands and he sat back down with me.

"You as well. So baby girl you here for good? Or just a visit. I know you have a big day coming up tomorrow."

"Just for my birthday. But I'll most likely stay for the week or so." I managed to smile.

Love Again II (Jacob Latimore Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now