Chapter Three - Potter is Pregnant

Start from the beginning

"I'm glad you're coming down for breakfast, Harry," she said warmly, her face breaking into a smile when she saw him. Harry realised that she was genuinely worried about him, and vowed to make an effort to eat properly in future. To stop her nagging him constantly, if nothing else.

The trio made their way to the Great Hall, where Harry noticed Malfoy was looking at him. He was sat at the end of the Slytherin table with the first-years, evidently given up all pretence that all was well in Slytherin now that Harry and the headmistress knew what was going on. Harry turned away from his gaze quickly, and reached for a couple of slices of toast. He actually felt hungry, and was grateful for the sensation.

He was buttering his second slice of toast when Pansy Parkinson, tears streaming down her pug-ugly face, marched into the Hall, strode over to Draco, and began yelling at him at the top of her lungs.

"Traitor! And on top of that, you're a snitch as well! You'll pay for this, Draco!" she shrieked. "McGonagall expelled me last night, 'cause you can't keep your treacherous mouth closed! I hope you're happy with yourself, Draco, because I swear, it'll be the last time you are!" With that she turned on her heels and stormed out of the Great Hall, as excited chatter speculating as to what on earth the bint could have done to earn expulsion broke out amongst the four house tables. Malfoy looked supremely unconcerned with his ex-girlfriend's public display, Harry noted, but underneath he knew the Slytherin would be affected. He wore his Malfoy Mask too well, sometimes.

Aside from the earlier excitement, breakfast was as normal for Harry, until the inevitable happened.

"Hey, Seamus, can you pass me the scrambled egg, please?" Neville asked innocently. Seamus handed them over, holding them in front of Harry for the briefest of seconds as he did so. But it was enough. Harry felt his stomach lurch in an extremely unpleasant manner as the smell of the eggs reached his nostrils and he threw his hand over his mouth.

"Are you OK, Harry?" Ron asked, clearly worried. Harry closed his eyes and shook his head, hoping the absence of the eggs, which were now several feet away from him, would stave off the nausea. But he knew it wasn't going to be enough. Leaving all his school things and his cloak behind, he left his seat and dashed out of the Great Hall at a run, Ron closely on his heels whilst Hermione paused and collected up his belongings before following them. None of them noticed a concerned pair of grey eyes following them, as he, too, stood from his seat and left.

Harry just made it in time. He flung open the door of the nearest cubicle and threw up every last bit of his breakfast noisily into the toilet bowl.

"Mental note. Keep eggs away from me from now on," he said rather breathlessly, as Ron handed him a wad of toilet paper to wipe his mouth on. Ron gave a nervous chuckle that didn't really contain any humour.

"Noted. Look, Harry, shall we go and see Madam Pomfrey again? There must be a potion or something you can take that will help with the sickness."

Ron helped Harry stand, who was surprised to find he was rather shaky, and Harry pulled the chain on the toilet before the pair left the bathroom. He was unsurprised to find Hermione waiting anxiously outside. He was surprised, however, to find Draco, looking just as anxious.

"Potter, are you alright?" he asked, as he handed Harry a bottle of water that he had collected from the Slytherin table for him. Harry reached out and took the water, pulled off the lid and took a huge drink, feeling dehydrated from all the vomiting.

"Yeah. No thanks to you," he replied as he replaced the cap on the bottle, and pointedly patted his abdomen, but his voice lacked venom. "If I'm going to do that every meal time it's not going to take people long to work out there's something up, is it?"

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