Chapter 11

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Stumbling at last into the hospital, you almost collapsed on the floor, drawing notice from the nurses nearby. Rushing forward, they each placed an arm around you, drawing most of your weight away from you and upon themselves.

"Miss, what happened?" They asked, as a gurney was wheeled over, and you were helped on it.

"My parents. They attacked me...," You sobbed. "They did this, and I couldn't stop them...they..."

"Shh, sweetie, you're with us. You're safe." The older nurse answered. "They can't hurt you again."

"No, they can't." You answered, the thought making you giddy. Rolling you down the hallway, they took you to a room, but the blood loss and pain made you weary, and soon you knew no more.

Floating in and out of consciousness, you kept seeing different faces peering above you, sometimes with those white masks on, other times you could have sworn you saw a familiar pair of blue eyes staring down at you. Each time you would head back under, the medicine they gave you making you extremely tired and out of it.

Sometimes you swore you saw Dean staring down at you, his mouth tight as he reached towards you, pulling back at the last second. Those, you decided, were just dreams brought on by blood loss and medicine. Dean couldn't be there with you, he wouldn't step within a hundred feet of you. You had hurt him, and hurt him deeply, and he wasn't one to forgive and forget easily.

Not sure how much time passed, but one day your eyes stayed open, no longer fuzzy from the medicine. Your body was sore, but nothing that couldn't be managed, and you knew that was still from the pain medication they probably had you on.

"She's awake!" Your nurse, the one who had first talked to you when you walked into the hospital exclaimed, as she walked through the door. "How are you feeling?"

Your mouth felt as if it was full of cotton, your head fuzzy and heavy, but you felt better than you had, and you told her so. "That's wonderful! We were worried about you for a while. You had lost so much blood. You were so weak, so pale, you even flatlined on us. But then, one morning, your entire body started responding as if you hadn't lost that much blood. As if it was a miracle."

Even with your foggy mind, you knew it was no miracle. You had seen Cas, even though you thought you had imagined it, and he must have come and healed you. If he had been here, maybe you hadn't dreamt Dean after all. But you still didn't think he would be here, especially after you had made Cas promise to not tell them.

"You've had some very impatient visitors while you've been out." The nurse continued. "You lucky girl. Three very handsome men. How can you pick one?"

So, it was true. Dean had been here. Along with Sam. But where were they now? And why had he come? It wasn't like you had been nice to him. As you sat there, lost in thought, the nurse bustled around, taking your vitals, talking all the time about the three men who had been in here with you. She kept talking about the handsome green-eyed man who refused to leave your side, until today that is.

As soon as she was gone, you prayed to Cas, needing him to show up and give you some answers. Almost immediately, he walked through the doors, but when you glanced around him, Dean was not to be seen. "I'm sorry I wasn't here when you woke up." Cas apologized, coming to stand next to the side of the bed. "There were some issues to take care of."

"I'm glad to see you." You said truthfully. "But how did you even know I was here?"

"In your pain, you were delirious. Calling out for Dean, for me. It came out as a mumbled prayer, and I knew I needed to come immediately. I'm glad I did, you were almost gone from this world." He answered.

"And Dean? What did you tell him?" You asked quietly.

Sighing, he sat down in the chair still placed at your side. "I know you asked me not to tell him anything. And I tried to keep your word, as much as I could. But Y/N, I was with him when I got your prayer, and he saw my concerned face. I had to tell him something!"

"What did you say?" You asked again.

Fidgeting with his trench coat, he took a minute to answer. "I really didn't tell him that much. That you were in trouble, that you needed my help. I told him the rest of the story was up to you. Y/N, I know you think he'll never forgive you, but you didn't see the look on his face when he walked through those doors and say you laying there, hanging on by a thread."

Just then the door opened, and both Sam and Dean walked into the room. Cups of coffee were in their hands, their eyes red rimmed from lack of sleep. Seeing you woken up, Dean came rushing towards the bed, before stopping in his tracks. "Y/N, you're awake." He stated, nervously licking his bottom lip.

"You two are a sight for sore eyes." You chattered nervously, glancing between both men. Sam stayed back, watching his brother carefully.

"Y/N, why didn't you say you needed help?" Dean blurted out, not even asking how you were doing.

"Cas, why don't we go outside for a moment?" Sam suggested, grabbing the Angel's coat and pulling him outside. Watching as they left you alone with Dean, you turned your attention back to him, your eyes wide as you tried to come up with the right words to say. To let him know that everything you had said back at that farmhouse were lies. That you still cared for him, and always would.

But you could see, by the set of his shoulders, and the way his jaw was clenched tight, that he was still upset with you, and he had every right to be. You weren't sure if you could get him to listen, and the thought broke your heart. Because no matter how much you had wanted to be the independent girl, all on her own, you knew that the real you wanted to be with Dean.  

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