Dresses and Stuffed Animal's

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Rileighs P.O.V

I woke up to pounding on my door. I had locked it once Thor had left. I slowly got up and looked through the peek hole. It was Loki. "Rileigh! Please, open the door!" He yelled. I reluctantly opened the door. "What!?"I yelled, annoyed. "You have to help me, I have no idea what to do!" He yelled.

"What the hell do you want, you have ten seconds before I slam this door in your face." I said, crossing my arms. "I was planning on taking Jane somewhere but I can't think of anything! Please help me!" He pleaded.

I was beyond angry. "First, you two come over and demanded that Thor and I should break up to make you guys happy, then, Thor comes home, and dumps me because of you guys! And you expect me to go out of my way to help you!? Because if you do, your sadly mistaken, and you just wasted my time!" I yelled as I slammed the door on him and walked upstairs.

I looked out of the window to see him sigh and go back to his car. I decided to get dressed and go somewhere. I put on black skinny jeans, and grey T-shirt, grey converse, and a grey beanie. I finished brushing my hair, then put the beanie on.

I grabbed my car keys and walked back downstairs. I step out into the cold air, and lock my door. I walked to the car and got in. I started it, and drove down the street. I decided to go to the visalia mall to get some new clothes.

I finally arrive at the mall about an hour and a half later. I find a parking space close to the entrance and step out of the car, locking it. I go inside of the mall and walked around until I spotted hot topic. I walked in and looked around. There was a sweater that said, 'Pluto Is A Planet. [Fight me.]' Written on it.

I grabbed it in an triple xl because I like wearing big clothes to bed and I also grabbed three pairs of leggings. One was white, the other was grey, and the last was black. I also got a choker with a green heart on it. I grabbed my stuff and paid. I continued to walk to the food court.

I ordered a pretzel and ate it at a table. I took this time to check my phone. I had many missed texts from Thor and Jane. I also had two missed calls from Loki. I ignored all of them as I threw away my pretzel wrapper. I walked to the converse shoe store.

As I entered, I saw a pair of thigh high black all-star converse. I went over and checked to make sure they had my size. I grabbed the box and some new sock as well, and paid. After that, I went to a boot and high heels store. I picked out some high heels that went up to my ankles and some high heeled boot that went over my knee.

I paid and walked out. I decided to be a kid, and went to a toy store. I found a really cute stuffed animal of a white polar bear, a corgi, a rainbow alpaca, a baby panda, and a giant hamster. I picked them, which they were kind of big, then paid for them. I walked towards the entrance, and left.

I unlocked my car, and put the stuff in the back seat, then went to a dress shop that was a little bit away from the mall. I went inside the shop and looked at the dresses. I picked out a black summer dress with a built in choker, a cute pastel pink dress with some white heels, and a black dress, with a black and teal coat with a hood. I paid and left.

I put the stuff with my other things in the backseat and started the car. As I was heading back, I stopped at in and out and got something to eat. As soon as I was home about two hours later, I grabbed my food then walked into the house and set it on the kitchen table.

I walked back out and grabbed as much stuff as I could and it took two trips. I finally got everything and took it to my bedroom. I sorted out all of my dresses and leggings. I put them in my closet and changed into my giant sweater. I only had panda underwear on. I also put my choker in my drawer and my heels and shoes in the closet.

I walked down stairs and warmed up my food again. I started a movie before running back up stairs and grabbed all of my stuffed animal's, and ran back down and laid on the couch with them, watching the movie before eventually falling asleep.

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