Chapter 1. Just the begining

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There once was this girl. She was the child of light. She was meant to save the universe one day, but that day never came, because they took her too soon. They were afraid that she was going to save the world from what they were making it to be. The people that chose to be bad decided to take her to soon. She was in the cocoon womb like structure that was created for her by the people that knew the darkness was going to come one day. However the people of darkness knew about her so the people of light's efforts to keep her a secret from them became all for not. The bad people found where she was hidden. They decided to destroy her, because they knew, even though she wasn't born yet, that one day she would save the universe from their descendants  that were going to take over the world one day, and we going to go fourth and multiply and destroy the world and make it utter chaos. Which is why the people of light had created the child to begin with so she could stay incased in her cocoon, womb like structure, until the right moment. The moment when the child of light and darkness, the first child ever bread of light and darkness, was born. No mater how long or how far in the future it was.

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