Part Eight

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Emma☺️: Wait is ur insta name Becks like Beckham?
Romeo🇬🇧: Uhhhhh....
Emma☺️: Like are you a huge fan of David Beckham?
Romeo🇬🇧: Oh yeah you have NO idea how much I love him.
Emma☺️: That's so cool! :) he's really good
Romeo🇬🇧: Yeah...
Emma☺️: Have you met him too?!😂😂
Romeo🇬🇧: Yeah.
Emma☺️: Ugh I hate you Ro
Romeo🇬🇧: haha😂😊
Romeo🇬🇧: You haven't told anyone of ur friends my Insta right?
Emma☺️: No why?
Romeo🇬🇧: No reason exactly
Emma☺️: ok
Romeo🇬🇧: Gtg to tennis now bye!!!😊😊😊
Emma☺️: Bye my British best friend!!
Romeo🇬🇧: 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧😂😂😂👋👋👋

Emma: Hey Brook, I have a question
Brooklyn: Hi! What is it?
Emma: Ok so Romeo keeps asking me if my friends know his Insta and his family and stuff, is there a reason why he keeps asking?
Brooklyn: Oh um no...
Brooklyn: He just doesn't want random people he doesn't know following him.
Emma: Ok thanks lol. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay.
Brooklyn: Yeah everything's ok in this family
Emma: Haha😂
Brooklyn: So how's school
Emma: Pretty good
Emma: But I have a final tmrw😒
Brooklyn: Omg go study!!!
Emma: I'm in my car rn heading home from school😂
Brooklyn: Ok good. I don't want to be the reason you fail ur exam😂
Emma: Haha you won't be!😂😂
Brooklyn: What subject is ur final in?
Emma: Math tmrw and Spanish the next day😒
Brooklyn: Muy bien
Emma: Haha😂 that will probs not be on my exam😂
Emma: I wish it was tho...
Brooklyn: So are you done with math after tmrw?
Emma: I still will have class but we won't be tested in anything
Emma: it's kinda annoying😒😒😒😂😂
Brooklyn: Yeah that really is...
Emma: I just got home gtg study!!😒😒👍👍
Brooklyn: Bye Emma👋 good luck my brothas best friend!!
Emma: Haha thx best friends brotha!😂

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