The healing

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This chapter might be a little disturbing, sorry!


Lauren had tried to explain the intentions of her actions, but because of Kehlani's harsh words she only fell back into the acknowledgement of her disobedience.

Kehlani put her head in her hands. "What is wrong with me? I just...left her there. In that room."

Rihanna lifted Kehlani's cheek and cupped her face. "Stop, you had good intentions. You knew Lauren needed punishment...and fortunately you had gained an inkling of how unbalanced your emotions were. However you've never done this before. You've never had to compromise your methods for someone who needed more. You didn't even have to do this for me...because I wasn't really a submissive. But she is different. She is intrinsically combined with her collar. She is her collar. And she has different needs. So you need to go home, take her out of that room and talk to her. And then you guys go back in the playroom and you do it right this time. Your job is to make sure she's happy. Find out what she wants, as a sub, as a person...let her in. Make sure Lauren understands every guideline and every boundary in and out of the playroom because if the communication isn't clear... you could really mess her up. If you guys are gonna be 24/7, it's gonna take a lot more intimacy and trust than what you expected."

Kehlani nodded, tears sliding down her face. Her body was overwhelmed with feelings of incompetence. Rihanna watched Kehlani and although it broke her heart to see...she was filled with happiness at the breakthrough Lauren had made within her friend's life, even if she didn't know it. She never thought the day would come when Kehlani would find...the one.

But there was still progress to be made, she knew.

Kehlani shook her head. "I don't deserve her after tonight."

"I guarantee she is feeling the same way. You see it's the connection you guys have with one another. You didn't have to put her in that room to punish her, she was punished the moment you let her see how hurt you were. Then you took away the one thing that represented her devotion to you, the one thing that validated your ownership of her. Her collar. You shouldn't have done that. But you learn from your mistakes...and when you go home and find her in her room you need to immediately make a change. Because I don't think you truly realize how tuned Lauren is to her you."

Kehlani felt her heart pull, constricting at the knowledge of the things she would have seen had she been looking for them.

She didn't know.

But she was going to go home and she was going to fix things. She was going to change.

Turning to Rihanna, Kehlani gave a watery smile. Rihanna pulled her in for a hug and she sighed into her neck. "What would I be without you, Robyn?"

She chuckled. "Lost."

"You know, you were always so stubborn...I should have known you were a Dominant." Kehlani mumbled.

Rihanna laughed, walking towards the steps with her friend in her wake.

"Yeah, you should have. I was a bit of a brat."

Keh shook her head. "You're a great Dominant. Greater than I could ever be. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you."


Bursting into her mother's room, Kehlani dropped the bag and fell to her knees at her bedside, sobs wrecking through her body.

Pamela sat up, weary but concerned about her daughter. "Baby, what happened?"

Kehlani sobbed in response, the sound breaking her mother's heart and Judy turned around knowingly, sliding her legs down to dangle underneath the blankets.

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