Take off your collar.

Start from the beginning

Lauren felt her knees go weak, her eyes filling with tears. "I am-"

"You don't know how it felt ...I wanted to be at your first performance, front row with pride. Instead..." Kehlani swallowed, her fingers tightening against the younger woman's hips. "Instead, I was sitting there feeling like shit, because I wasn't even invited."

Lauren turned around quickly. Upon seeing how hurt Kehlani looked she almost stumbled backwards. She was beautiful, dressed in a beautiful black dress and staring down at Lauren with pained eyes.

That was all there was.



Kehlani stared deeply into Lauren's eyes, seeing the sorrow within them. The regret. Kehlani wondered what the regret was for. Maybe it was Lauren's regret of ever meeting Kehlani? Maybe it was regret for leaving the sticky note out. It could have been for signing the contract to begin with.

A tear fell from her eyes, and Kehlani reached up slowly to brush it away with her thumb. She then cupped Lauren's cheek softly, before dragging her hand down to her neck and brushing her brown locks to the side.

No mark. No collar.

Brushing her thumb over the place where a dark spot would have been, Kehlani's heart rate sped up. Dragging the thumb lower, she glanced back up into Lauren's eyes as if to say, 'This is where your collar should be'.

Lauren broke eye contact, lowering her eyes. "I'm sorry..." She whispered brokenly.

I'm sorry.

Suddenly, Kehlani reared back, the words stinging against her ears. They stared at each other, Kehlani's gaze heated. Lauren licked her lips, watching as Kehlani's eyes turned gold in frustration and then dark with fury.

Lauren reached up as if to touch Kehlani, and something snapped. Grabbing her wrist, Kehlani pulled Lauren close to her body.

"Don't. Just...don't."

Lauren flinched at her tone, and stumbled backwards when Kehlani let her go harshly. Kehlani turned her back to the brunette, a hand on her hip and the other hand running down her face. Lauren noted the way red was creeping up onto her skin.

"How can I even look at you, Jauregui?"

Lauren felt her heart seize up, and she shook her head before walking towards Kehlani's body.

"Kehlani, if you would just let me explain..."

Her Mistress whirled around, "Let you explain? You've had plenty of time to explain yourself, instead you chose to lie to me!", she stepped forward, advancing onto Lauren. "Now you want me to listen to you? You want me to listen to you lie to me some more? Is that what you want?"

She was raising her voice.

Kehlani never raised her voice at Lauren before.

Lauren's big green eyes were full of desperation. "No! I didn't want to lie to you, I didn't –"

Kehlani grabbed her by her arms, her voice breaking off in a yell. "But you did ! You lied to me. All because of what? Because you didn't want to be seen with me? You didn't want me to see you with your little dance partner? Is that it? Is that why you lied ?" Lauren shook her head vehemently, and Kehlani could feel a different kind of control slipping away from her. The control she had over her emotions.

Kehlani let her go and Lauren stumbled again, bumping against the vanity table. Kehlani stared at her. She was all dressed in white...beautiful. Only she was dressed in white for someone else.

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